Profile: admin
- Login Count: 83
- Join Date: 12/10/2021 16:10:00
- Last on: 05/14/2024 08:23:39
- Articles posted by this author:
- SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship Winners 2024
- Librarian for Latin American, Caribbean, Spanish and Portuguese Studies (NYU)
- Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian - Penn State
- 2023 José Toribio Medina Award Winner
- In Memoriam: Esperanza Bravo de Varona
- Election Results Announced
- New Member Spotlight: Juan Pablo Gómez
- SALALM Scholarship Winners Announced
- Metadata Librarian for Latin American Resources - UT Austin
- Digital Humanities Librarian, University of New Mexico
- Middle East and Islamic Studies Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries
- 2022 SALALM Institutional Collaborative Initiatives Award Announced
- Trip Notes: 1994-2004
- Fall 2017 Dan C. Hazen SALALM Fellowship Award Announced!
- Curator of Special Collections - Tulane University
- Individual Consultant, IADB Institutional Repository
- Research Fellow - Knowledge Management Division, IADB
- Bibliographer for Latin American Studies and Iberian Languages, Georgetown University
- Librarian for Latin American and Iberian Studies
- Curator, Latin American Collection - Yale University
- Archivist for the Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries
- Inter-American Studies Data and Outreach Librarian, UNM
- Archivist, University of Houston Libraries
- Literature/Language Librarian, University of Maryland Libraries
- Latin American and Iberian Studies Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Department Head, Library Archives & Special Collections, New Mexico State University Library
- Department Head, Library Archives; Special Collections, New Mexico State University Library
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies Librarian at UIUC
- Research and Instruction Librarian, Tulane University
- Librarian for Romance Languages and Latin American Studies (Dartmouth College)
- Humanities Liaison Librarian for Spanish and Latin American Studies, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries
- HAPI Internship
- Special Collections Curator Rare Books and Manuscripts Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Library The University of Texas Libraries – The University of Texas at Austin
- Librarian for Latin American Studies - Northwestern University
- Metadata Librarian for Western Languages at Princeton
- Spanish Language Cataloger - University of Miami
- Mexican Materials Bibliographer - UT Austin
- Cuban Heritage Collection Librarian – University of Miami
- Latin American and Iberian Area Studies Librarian, Brigham Young University
- Faculty Cluster Hire, The Ohio State University Libraries
- Latin American and Iberian Area Studies Librarian - Brigham Young University
- Metadata Librarian, Spanish/Portuguese - Princeton
- Archivist for Hispanic Collections at the University of Houston
- Librarian, Manuscripts Division, Princeton University Library
- UNM Seeking Dean of Libraries and Learning Sciences
- Education and Outreach Librarian – History, Latin American Studies, Caribbean Studies, Modern Languages & Literatures
- Research and Instruction Librarian, The Latin American Library, Tulane University
- Resident Librarian - University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Associate Director of Scholarly Resources, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
- Global Learning Librarian, FIU - Search Extended
- Latin American Studies and Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures Librarian, UC San Diego
- History Librarian and Head, History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- UT Austin - Archivist
- Humanities Librarian - Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
- Visiting Latin American and Caribbean Collection Librarian
- Latin American & Iberian Studies Librarian, Columbia University
- University of Houston, Head of Special Collections (Revised)
- Processing Archivist, Princeton University Library
- Head, Latin American and Caribbean Collection (LACC) Assistant University or Associate University Librarian
- Head, Latin American and Caribbean Collection (LACC), George A. Smathers Libraries of the University of Florida
- Head Bibliographer, Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection
- Undergraduate Success Librarian (subject liaison to Chicana/o Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, and Latin American Studies)
- Latin American and Iberian Area Studies Librarian, Brigham Young University (BYU)
- Head of Special Collections, University of Houston (Revised)
- Librarian (Reference Hispanic Division) Library of Congress
- Library of Congress: Librarian in the African, Latin American & Western European Division (ALAWE), Iberia/Rio Office Section
- Black Diaspora Archivist, The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection
- Associate Librarian, The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI, USA
- Director of the General Library, University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus
- Head of Special Collections and Senior Archivist - The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection
- University Archivist, San Diego State University
- Curator of Latin Americana - The Bancroft Library
- Digital Scholarship Coordinator - LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections
- Librarian/Cataloger, South America Section, Library of Congress
- Latin American Studies Librarian position, Northwestern Univ.
- Latin American and Iberian Studies Position at UCSB
- Associate Editor, Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
- Librarian, Library of Congress Iberia/Rio Section, African, Latin American and Western European Division, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate
- Associate Editor position at HAPI
- Librarian for US Latina and Latino Studies, University of Texas at Austin
- Center of Southwest Studies Librarian
- Archivist, Cuban Heritage Collection
- HLAS Editorial Assistant (2 vacancies)
- Curator of European Books - John Carter Brown Library
- George S. Parker II ’51 Curator of Maps and Prints - John Carter Brown Library
- Associate Director for Communications and Program Development - John Carter Brown Library
- Subject Librarian for Anthropology, Geography and Planning, and Communication
- 2 Positions at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College
- Curator, Latin American and Caribbean Collection (LACC) - University of Florida
- Reposted: Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University
- Latin American Curator, Arizona State University
- Research & Instruction Librarian, The Latin American Library, Tulane University
- Cataloging & Metadata Librarian (Spanish Language Specialist)
- Director of the Department of Area Studies and Humanities Research Support, Yale University Library
- Latin American Metadata Librarian
- Curator for Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Studies at NYPL
- Head, Distinctive Collections at Arizona State University
- Outreach Librarian at Sonoma State University
- Esperanza Bravo de Varona Chair Cuban Heritage Collection University of Miami Libraries
- Processing Archivist for Latin American Manuscripts Collections – Princeton University
- Scholarly Communication Librarian – SUNY Albany
- Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Chief Librarian and Archivist
- Arabic-Hebrew Cataloger – Ohio State University
- Archivist (Latino History & Culture)
- Head of Special Collections and Senior Archivist, Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, UT Austin
- Libraries Head, Collection Development and Resource Access – Florida International University
- Head, Global Studies – Columbia University
- Metadata Librarian – University of Southern California
- Emerging Technologies Librarian – Borough of Manhattan Community College
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies Librarian – University of Chicago
- Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Bibliographer for Latin American Art – The Museum of Modern Art
- Supervisory Librarian (Section Head) – Library of Congress
- Library of Congress Junior Fellows Internship Program
- Hispanic Studies and Political Science Librarian, University of Kentucky
- Librarian for Ibero-American Studies and Romance Languages
- Pre-Columbian Studies Librarian
- Head, Library Resource Acquisitions Unit - University of Pittsburgh
- Head of Cataloging - University of Pittsburgh
- Maury A. Bromsen Curator of Latin American Books
- Katheryn B. Willock Head of Special Collections - University of Arizona
- Humanities Librarian - UNM
- Research Data Librarian - University of Pittsburgh
- Research Collection Coordinator - University of Pittsburgh
- Curator, Latin American and Caribbean Collection, University of Florida
- Collections Care Coordinator, Preservation Services Unit, University of Illinois
- Curator, California Ethnic & Multicultural Archives (CEMA), California, and the Americas (Associate or Full Librarian)
- Research & Engagement Librarian: Latin American & Iberian Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Archives & Special Collections Engagement and Outreach Librarian - University of Pittsburgh
- Curator of Latin American Collections - UNM
- Archival Summer Residency for Manuscripts Division Collections - Princeton University
- Archivist for the Hispanic/Latinx Experience - The University of Kansas
- Learning Design Coordinator Research and Learning - University of Pittsburgh
- Head, Library Resource Acquisitions Unit - University of Pittsburgh
- Librarian/Borderlands Curator - University of Arizona
- Director of The Bancroft Library and Associate University Librarian for Special Collections
- Latin American & Caribbean Collection Librarian - University of Florida
- Latin American Studies Librarian - University of Pennsylvania
- Metadata Librarian for Latin American Resources (Assistant Librarian) -University of Texas at Austin
- Associate Professor (Librarian) - Chief Librarian, LaGuardia Community College
- Library Manager/Senior Archivist – Center for Puerto Rican Studies CUNY
- Librarian/Borderlands Curator (Assistant or Associate)
- Foreign, Comparative & International Law Research & Student Services Librarian
- Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian - University of Maryland
- Latin American & Caribbean Collection (LACC) Digital Initiatives Librarian - UFL
- Liaison Librarian for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion University of Pittsburgh at Bradford - Hanley Library
- Head of Rare Books and Special Collections - University of Pittsburgh
- Latin American, Caribbean, and Indigenous Studies Postdoctoral Fellow - NYU
- Systems and Applications Development Librarian - UMass
- Librarian for Latin American, Iberian & Latinx Studies - Duke University
- Head, Library Resource Acquisition Unit - University of Pittsburgh
- Associate Dean of Libraries and Chief Librarian
- Librarian for Spanish, Portuguese, Latin America, & Caribbean - University of Kansas
- Latin American Institute salutes two dedicated HAPI volunteers
- SALALMistas in print
- Manager of Public Services, Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Books - New York Public Library
- New Member Profile: Meagan Lacy
- Welcome, new members: Bruce Bachand, et al....
- Welcome, new members: Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, Steven Daiber, María R. Estorino, Carolyn Palaima, Betsaida M. Reyes, Sara Rubinow
- Welcome, new members: Natalie Baur, Giso Broman, Antonio Sotomayor, Michelle Elneil, Christine L. Hernandez, Emma Marschall
- Welcome, new members: Jennifer Osorio, Jill Westen
- Welcome, new member: Bronwen Maxson
- Welcome, new members: Michael Hoopes, Pascal Lupien
- Welcome, new members: Frank Smith, Jose Montelongo
- Welcome, new member: David Wiseman
- Welcome, new member: Jorge Matos Valldejuli
- Welcome, new member: Wendy Griffin
- Welcome, new member: PIlar María Moreno
- Welcome, new members: Luisa Escobar, Sara Stigberg
- Welcome, new members: Julienne Grant, Ana Ramirez Luhrs, Ashley Larson
- Welcome, new members: Jason Kauffman, Cate Kellett
- Welcome, new members: Nicholas Cop, Taliá Guzmán-González, Julianne Gilland
- Welcome, new members: Jessie Christensen, Christopher Lutz
- Welcome, new members: Matthew JK Hill, William L. Robboy
- Welcome, new members: Laurie Taylor and Jennifer Gibson
- Welcome, new members: Luiza Wainer, Gabriel Jiménez Barrón, Alejandro Herrera Prada
- Welcome, New Member: Amy Padilla
- Welcome, New Member: Isabel Espinal
- Welcome, New Member: Brie Gettleson
- Welcome, New Member: Heather Sloan
- SALALM/JCB workshop on the History of the Book in Mexico -- July 28, 2010
- SALALM 58 in Pictures
- SALALM 65 Postponed
- Archivo de Prensa -- Biblioteca Digital de Autores Uruguayos
- Publicaciones periódicas del Uruguay
- Julio Herrera y Reissig: La mejor de las fieras humanas
- A Shared Passion
- The Earth Shakes in Ecuador
- CRL and LAMP Support Digitization of Brazilian Human Rights Collection
- New Book of Interest -- CubaTV
- Scholarships available for "History of the Book in Hispanic America, 16th-19th Centuries"
- History of the Book in Hispanic America, 16th-19th Centuries
- Request to Remove Library of Congress Classification Amendment
- Reissue of "Para las duras/For the Hard Ones"
- Encuentro Latinoamericano de Bibliotecarios, Archivistas y Museólogos
- ACRL Publishes a Statement on EDI and Print Collecting
- Call for Expression of Interest - SALALM Secretariat & Executive Director of SALALM
- David Dressing, New Librarian at Notre Dame
- Victor F. Torres publica
- Librarian with a Latte
- Jean Dickson Retires
- New publications Summer 2011
- Molly Molloy discusses El Sicario
- Meet the Staff: Lesbia Orta Varona
- New Publications: Fall 2011
- Winter 2011/2012 Newsmakers
- Spring 2012 Newsmakers
- SALALMeros Making News at the Buenos Aires Book Fair
- Summer 2012 Newsmakers
- Cine Chileno Online
- Fall 2012 Newsmakers
- Winter 2012 Newsmakers
- Adán Benavides Retires from University of Texas
- SALALMeros de Princeton crean colección única
- Lesbia O. Varona and Esperanza B. de Varona Retire
- Spring 2013 Newsmakers
- Mark L. Grover Retires
- Fall 2013 Newsmakers
- Fall 2013 Newsmakers
- Winter 2014 Newsmakers
- Roberto Delgadillo Among ALA elected councilors
- Spring 2014 newsmakers
- Summer 2014 newsmaker
- Fall 2014 Newsmakers
- SALALMISTAS in the news
- Carlos Olave appointed to Head of the Hispanic Reading Room of the Library of Congress
- Summer 2015 Newsmakers!
- SALALM intercambia experiencias con la BCN con miras a futuras adquisiciones bibliográficas
- Molly Molloy Awarded the 2011 José Toribio Medina Award
- 2011 José Toribio Medina Award Winner
- 2017 José Toribio Medina Award Winner
- 2020 José Toribio Medina Award Winner
- 2022 José Toribio Medina Award Winner
- HAPI Plus SciELO-México: An Initiative to Expand Access to Mexican Scholarship
- Merle Greene Robertson (1913-2011)
- In Memoriam: Ceres Birkhead
- In Memoriam: Alan Moss
- David Lee Craven (Distinguished Professor of Art and Art History)
- In Memoriam: Howard Karno
- In Memoriam: Dan C. Hazen
- In Memoriam: Lee H. Williams
- In Memoriam: Ludwig ‘Larry’ Lauerhass Jr.
- In Memoriam: Alfredo Breitfeld
- In Memoriam: María de la Luz Ortiz García
- In Memoriam: Nelly Sfeir Gonzalez
- In Memoriam: José Clemente Orozco Farías
- Sonia Silva - Honorary Membership
- Angela Carreño Bestowed Honorary Membership at SALALM 65
- Past Enlace Fellows Make News
- Enlacistas comparten sus experiencias en SALALM56
- 1996 Enlace Fellow Honored
- Enlace Fellows share their experiences at SALALM57
- Enlace Fellows share their experiences at SALALM 58
- Enlace Fellow shares her experience at SALALM 59
- Dan C. Hazen Fellowship Awardee: 2017
- 2019 Dan C. Hazen SALALM Fellowship Award Winners
- Dan C. Hazen SALALM Fellowship Progress Report (Víctor Torres, 2019 awardee)
- SALALMistas around Bogotá
- From Bogotá
- SALALM Member Readies FIL Newbies Online
- University of Florida Celebrates 80 Years of Latin American Studies
- Cuban Heritage Collection Photographs Now Online
- "Celebrating Mexico" Catalog Wins Leab Award
- The Library of Congress Celebrates Mexico
- Letter from the Bookmobile to Cuba Project
- Memoria Centroamericana y Enlace Académico
- Out of the Wings: Spanish and Spanish American Theatre in Translation
- Photographic Exhibit – New Perspectives: Dominican Republic
- Latin American Focused Library Collection and Institute Pilot Joint Endeavor
- SALALM Member Micaela Chávez Villa Receives Award
- Lisa Cruces Awarded IMLS-RBS Fellowship
- SALALMISTAS in the news
- Micaela Chávez Villa, receives the Homage to the Librarian at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara (FIL)
- SALALMistas in the news - Summer edition
- LAIPA SACO Funnel in the News
- SALALMistas presenting at FILBo
- Jesús Alonso-Regalado, recipient of the coveted "I Love my Librarian Award"
- SALALM Member Betsaida Reyes Chosen for Assocation of Research Libraries (ARL) Leadership Program
- Felicitations to Anna Svensson from Göteborgs Universitet
- SALALMistas in the News - Fall 2020
- SALALMistas in the News
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Lisa Cruces
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: David Fernández
- Meet the FALL 2013 SALALM Scholarship Winners!
- Meet the Spring 2014 SALALM Scholarship Winners!
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: D. Ryan Lynch
- SALALM Fall 2014 Scholarship awardees
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Betsaida Reyes
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Theresa Polk
- Meet the Spring 2015 SALALM Scholarship Winners!
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Nelson Santana
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Daniel Arbino
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Amanda Moreno
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Hanni Nabahe
- SALALM 63 Travel Attendance Scholarship
- Meet the 2019 Scholarship Winners!
- Interview with SALALM Scholarship Awardee: Taylor Leigh
- SALALM Scholarship 2020 Winners
- SALALM Conference Scholarship 2021 Winners
- Interview with Salalm Scholarship Awardee: Perri Pyle
- SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship Winners 2022
- SALALMista in Print
- Documents of 20th-Century Latin American and Latino Art
- FIU Libraries announces acquisition of important Cuban genealogy collection
- Benson Collection to Archive StoryCorps Latino Oral History Interviews
- Trio of Exhibits at Tulane's Newcomb Art Gallery this Spring
- Mexico exhibit at the Bodleian Library
- Diario de Pernambuco Now Online, 1825 - 1863
- Mapping of Internationally-Funded Citizen Security Projects in Central America
- Digitization project of the Novela Mundial series at CU-Boulder
- Florida and Puerto Rico Digital Newspaper Project
- A collection of Dominican Heritage will go on display at the Smithsonian
- Latina Icon Donates Papers to UConn Archives
- The University of Oregon releases book and documentary on human rights in Guatemala
- Society of American Archivists Brenda S. Banks Travel Award
- University of Florida Library Travel Grants for Latin American Studies
- College Educator Research Fellowships, UNC/Duke
- Research Travel Grant - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
- Call for proposals Richard E. Greenleaf Fellows 2019-2020 - The Latin American Library, Tulane University
- Archivo Mesoamericano
- Latin Lover
- Curator, Latin American and Caribbean Collection, University of Florida
- Cuban Heritage Coordinator (Library Coordinator 2)
- Research & Instruction Librarian, The Latin American Library, Tulane University, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
- SALALM Statement on Trump Administration's Travel and Immigration Policies
- Metadata Librarian, Spanish/Portuguese Specialty - Princeton University Library
- Librarian Asst. Professor, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami