
New publications Summer 2011

Sarah Aponte...

Sarah Aponte (CUNY Dominican Studies Institute) has published  "Dominican Related Dissertations in the U.S.: an Analytical Approach (1939-2009), Camino Real: Estudios de las hispanidades norteamericanas, 3, no. 4 (2011): 21-51.

Fernando Acosta-Rodriguez
Princeton University


Former SALALM member Michael Hamerly's Artes, Vocabularios, and Related Ecclesiastical Materials of Quichua/Quechua, Aymara, Puquina, and Mochica Published during the Colonial Period: a History and a Bibliography has been published by Shaker Verlag as Bonner amerikanistische Studien 48 (ISBN 978-3-8322-9835-7) in CD-ROM. It features a "complete" worldwide list of all known surviving exemplars of the materials in question, and has already been catalogued by the National Library of Germany.

Patricia Figueroa
Brown University

