
Winter 2014 Newsmakers

Molly Molloy..
Molly Molloy, a research librarian and professor at New Mexico State University was featured in an article in The Texas Observer. The piece is a Q&A sessions regarding the violence against women in the USA-Mexico border. "Molly Molloy is the force behind the Frontera List, an invaluable and long-running repository of raw information and discussion about border issues." You can read the full story here.
David S. Nolen (Mississippi State University) published an article titled "Publication and Language Trends of References in Spanish and Latin American Literature" in the January 2014 issue of College and Research Libraries (vol 75 no. 1 34-50). Congratulations David!
Sarah Buck Kachaluba (Florida State University) also published an article in the January 2014 issue of College and Research Libraries. The article is titled "Developing Humanities Collections in the Digital Age: Exploring Humanities Faculty Engagement with Electronic and Print Resources" (vol. 75 no.1 91-108). Congratulations Sarah!

