Honorary Membership

Honorary membership to SALALM is conferred on retired members who are nominated and reviewed according to the procedures and criteria listed below. It is a tribute to members who have made significant contributions and is awarded only after due deliberation and a vote of the general membership. A list of honorary members is available here.

I. Eligibility
Upon retirement or withdrawal from active participation in his-her profession, members may be nominated for honorary membership, provided he-she has been a dues-paying member for at least the previous five years.

II. Procedures

A. It is important that the Executive Secretary be advised of impending retirement or withdrawal from active professional participation of SALALM members.
B. Nominations may be made by any member of SALALM. Nominators will include with their nominations a resume of each nominee's contributions to SALALM.
C. Nominations must be submitted to the chair of the Membership Committee at least six weeks before the annual meeting.
D. If no one else has already done so, the Executive Secretary will nominate any former presidents and-or other long-term members of the Executive Board.
E. At its annual meeting, the Membership Committee will consider the nominations and forward its recommendations to the Executive Board.
F. In executive session, at the first Executive Board meeting of the annual SALALM conference, the Executive Board will approve or reject the nomination(s). A two-thirds majority of the Board present will be required for approval of each nominee. This vote should be by secret ballot.
G. The Executive Board will present its recommendation(s) for honorary membership to the general session for a vote.

III. Evaluation criteria

A. Nature and importance of the services rendered.
B. Professional achievements.
C. Length of service to SALALM.

Honorary Members
Felix Reichman, elected 1970*
Arthur Gropp, elected 1972*
Nettie Lee Benson, elected 1977*
Emma Simonson, elected 1977*
Irene Zimmerman, elected 1977*
Marietta Daniels Shepard, elected 1978*
A. Curtis Wilgus, elected 1980*
Alice Ball, elected 1984
Peter de la Garza, elected 1989
Donald F. Wisdom, elected 1991*
Pauline Collins, elected 1997*
Carl Deal, elected 1997
Suzanne Hodgman, elected 1997
Rosa Q. Mesa, elected 1997*
Iliana Sonntag, elected 1997*
Laurence Hallewell, elected 1998
Juan Risso, elected 1998
Alma T. Jordan, elected 1999*
Dolores M. Martin, elected 1999*
Jane Garner, elected 2005
Laura Gutiérrez-Witt, elected 2005
Peter Johnson, elected 2005
Barbara Valk, elected 2006*
Robert McNeil, elected 2006*
Ann Hartness, elected 2008
Nelly S. González, elected 2009
César Rodríguez, elected 2013
Mark Grover, elected 2014
David Block, elected 2015*
Dan Hazen, elected 2015*
Richard Phillips, elected 2015
Scott Van Jacob, elected 2016*
Sonia T.D.G. Silva, elected 2017
Georgette Dorn, elected 2019
Angela Carreño, elected 2020
John Wright, elected 2024* 
Rafael Tarragó, elected 2024
Laura Shedenhelm, elected 2024
