Editorial Board
Appointed members and five ex officio members, who are the editor of the SALALM Newsletter, the editor of the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), the chair of the Medina Award Panel, the editor of the Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies, and the editor of SALALM Web Publications. The chair of the Editorial Board serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board.
To advise and recommend policies concerning SALALM publications and related publications to which SALALM provides advisory assistance and to undertake those activities necessary to the continuance of the SALALM publications program.
1. Establishes and reviews bibliographical standards for SALALM publications.
2. Recommends policy concerning the scope, content, and format of SALALM organizational publications.
3. Solicits for publication works which are appropriate for publication under the sponsorship of SALALM.
4. Recommends for publication under SALALM sponsorship those works which relate to the purposes of SALALM and meet SALALM editorial standards.
5. Reviews works submitted for possible publication.
6. Collaborates with the President and Executive Secretary in seeking funding for the SALALM publications program.
7. Collaborates with the Executive Secretary in recommending fees to be charged for SALALM publications.
8. Assists and supports Newsletter editor in determining policy for the Newsletter.
9. Acts as SALALM Advisory Board for the Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies.
10. Acts as SALALM Advisory Board to HAPI editor.
11. In collaboration with the Executive Secretary, arranges with professional copy editor(s) and word processing firms or services to prepare and mail SALALM Papers, which have been forwarded to the chair by the Past President.
12. Appoints members of the Medina Award Panel, receives their recommendations, with justifications, from the chair.
For more information on the Editorial Board, contact Orchid Mazurkiewicz, orchidm@ucla.edu.
Orchid Mazurkiewicz (At pleasure of Executive Board)