
Faculty Cluster Hire, The Ohio State University Libraries

The Ohio State University Libraries has the extraordinary opportunity to seek six talented and forward-looking Faculty...
The Ohio State University Libraries has the extraordinary opportunity to seek six talented and forward-looking Faculty focused on engagement with digital scholarship for the Research and Education division to enhance its team of librarians.
• Head, Fine Arts Library
• Head, Knowlton School of Architecture Library
• Business Librarian
• Geospatial Information Librarian
• Digital Humanities Librarian
• Data Management Services Librarian
Individuals hired will find a collaborative environment for, and a renewed focus on, outreach and engagement with faculty, students, and other constituents to create communities of interest in digital scholarship, research innovation, and teaching and learning. This cohort within the Libraries will support the University's strategic focus on three Discovery Themes, which calls for the hiring of new cohorts of faculty contributing to the interdisciplinary themes of Health and Wellness, Energy and Environment, and Food Production and Security; in supporting exemplary teaching and learning practices through the Digital First initiative, employing mobile and other technologies to create new learning opportunities and environments; and in general, supporting the processes of scholarship more deeply by using a variety of digital tools, resources, and techniques appropriate both for specific disciplines as well as for interdisciplinary projects.
Read the full posting here.

