Portugal: Databases & LibGuides
- Bibliografia Nacional Portuguesa em linha
"Na Bibliografia Nacional Portuguesa em linha pode encontrar não só informação respeitante às monografias e títulos de novas publicações periódicas editadas em Portugal e entradas na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ao abrigo do Depósito Legal, mas também sobre as teses e outros trabalhos académicos relativos às carreiras docentes produzidos nos estabelecimentos de ensino superior portugueses, documentação que, por determinação legal, está também sujeita a Depósito desde 1986." - LATINDEX
Directory of scholarly journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Provides links to e-journals. Maintained by the UNAM. - Bibliografia Comparatista em Portugal (click on "CECbase - Demonstração")
Comparative literature database from Portugal. Full access restricted to susbcribers. - PhiloBiblon. Open access
"A project to construct a bio-bibliographical database of early texts produced in the Iberian Peninsula and to provide access to this information through the Web." - BITAGAP - Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e Portugueses
- Arquivo.pt - Arquivo da Web Portuguesa (search pages from the past!)
Listagem das Publicações Periódicas Portuguesas: websites e histórico de versões no Arquivo.pt - 05-01-2021 - Catálogo do Serviço de Fonoteca (Bibliotecas de Lisboa)
- O Portal da História
Temas de História de Portugal. Reis, Rainhas e Presidentes. As Biografias dos Chefes de Estado portugueses. Portugal na Grande Guerra. Exemplos:
Theses & Dissertations
- Theses and dissertations from Portugal deposited at the Biblioteca Nacional in Lisbon and made available in digital format.
- Teses Portuguesas sobre Temas Europeus
Portuguese theses on European subjects. - Teses sobre temas relacionados com História da Ciência, realizadas em Universidades Portuguesas, desde 1990
Theses about the history of science defended in Portuguese universities since 1990.
Collections: U.S. and Britain
United States
- Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
"The Hispanic and Portuguese collections encompass research materials related to the societies (histories, cultures, languages) of the Iberian peninsula, Latin America and the Caribbean, and those areas where Spain and Portugal ruled--Angola and Mozambique, Damão, Goa, Diu, Philippines, Macao, and parts of the United States that were once Spanish territory." - John Carter Brown (JCB) Library
John Carter Brown, Brown University Campus, Providence, Rhode Island
"The JCB is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, founded in 1846 and located at Brown University since 1901. Housed within the Library's walls is an internationally renowned, constantly growing collection of primary historical sources pertaining to the Americas, both North and South, before ca. 1825. Most well-known, perhaps, are the Library's extensive holdings in the literature of European exploration and travel in the Western Hemisphere, from the first Latin edition of the Columbus letter of 1493, through nearly all of the contemporary narratives of Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English discovery, exploration, and settlement." - José Rodrigues Miguéis Archives
John Hay Library, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
The archives contain the personal papers and selected volumes from the private library of the late Portuguese writer. The collection includes drafts and typescripts of his writings, personal and professional correspondence, notebooks, postcards, diplomas, calendars, diaries, photographs, legal and medical documents, drawings, newspaper clippings, book reviews, and monographs. - Portuguese Manuscript Collection
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
"The majority of the 600 manuscripts can be traced to the private libraries of two Portuguese collectors, conde de Olivais e Penha Longa and Antonio Augusto de Carvalho Monteiro. A significant number of items are concerned with Sebastianism, the belief that King Sebastian, killed in North Africa in 1578, will return to restore Portugal to its former greatness; Luiz de Camões (1524?-1580), author of Portugal's epic poem Os Lusiadas; and the military orders of knighthood. Included are general historical works, histories of the Portuguese sovereigns, letters of seventeenth-century diplomatic figures, and a volume containing 201 letters (1774-79) of Manoel de Cunha Menezes, captain general of Pernambuco and Bahia. Also in the collection is material on the Peninsular Wars, the Miguelist civil strife, royal funeral ceremonies, the Inquisition, and genealogy. The manuscripts span a period of more than five centuries -- the earliest dates from 1438 -- and include original documents and copies."
Hispanic Section, The British Library
The British Library, London, England
"The aim of the Section is to acquire and make available selected publications in the humanities and social sciences at research level from Spain, Portugal, Latin America, the Spanish-speaking Caribbean and the former Hispanic territories in Asia and Africa."
Portuguese Language
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