No-Host Luncheons


May 17-22, 2013

Coral Gables, FL


Monday, May 20


Discussion Leader: Barbara Alvarez, University of Michigan        E-mail:


Topic: Digital Humanities Anybody?

Abstract: The main point of this discussion is to exchange ideas and experiences related to the participation of libraries and librarians in the digital humanities projects in the area of Ibero-American Studies. We will discuss ways to support faculty and students working in this area, strategies to promote use of relevant technologies or research methods as well as share information about specific projects in progress or completed at various institutions.

Discussion Leader: Melissa Gasparotto (

Topic: Digital Humanities

Abstract: The main point of this discussion is to exchange ideas and experiences related to the participation of libraries and librarians in the digital humanities projects.


Discussion Leader: Rhonda Neugebauer, University of California, Riverside        E-mail:


Topic: Scholarly Communications and Latin American Studies--the movement for open access. Discuss the impact on your LAS work.

Abstract: Discussion will cover how Latin Americanists are contributing to Scholarly Communications programs at their institutions. Participants will describe their activities and the advantages/challenges they have faced while advancing open access for Latin American Studies.

Discussion Leader:  Marisol Ramos

Topic: Digital Humanities


Abstract: The main point of this discussion is to exchange ideas and experiences related to the participation of libraries and librarians in the digital humanities projects. Marisol Ramos, will share her experiences working on Digital Humanities initiatives at UConn.

Tuesday, May 21


Discussion Leader: Jesus Alonso-Regalado, SUNY-Albany           E-mail:


Topic: Viajes de adquisición de materiales para la biblioteca académica. ¿Un lujo innecesario y sin sentido en la era digital?

Abstract: Desde el momento en que la figura del bibliotecario especialista en estudios latinoamericanos se instituye en bibliotecas académicas de Estados Unidos, se desarrolla una tradición bien arraigada de viajar a países latinoamericanos con el fin de adquirir materiales. Tanto si se trata de ferias del libro como de viajes de compra con un fin determinado, un gran número de bibliotecarios y libreros de SALALM han viajado a América Latina en búsqueda de materiales que han llenado los anaqueles de nuestras bibliotecas académicas. Con la creciente presencia del libro electrónico, ¿Son estos viajes todavía necesarios? ¿Son justificables desde un punto de vista de coste-benificio? Más allá de la compra de materiales, ¿merece todavía la pena realizar estos viajes para familiarizarse con el mercado editorial y desarrollar relaciones con instituciones de investigación, editores, libreros y bibliotecarios? Si todavía son necesarios, ¿cómo justificarlos ante nuestros supervisores y directores de bibliotecas? ¿Es el futuro únicamente virtual?

Discussion Leader: Paula Covington, Vanderbilt University E-mail:

Topic: Buying Trips for the Library

Abstract: Latin American librarianship has a long standing tradition of buying trips to acquire materials for the library. I envision a discussion to share experiences: advance planning and funding, what does one look for, specific country tips, coordination with approval vendors, and the like.


Discussion Leader: Marcelo García Cambeiro, García Cambeiro   E-mail:

Topic: Proyectos colaborativos : La posibilidad para las bibliotecas de cubrir toda la producción académica de un país como respuesta a la creciente producción editorial y a la crisis económica

Abstract: Las facilidades tecnológicas sumadas a la creciente economía Latinoamericana dan como resultado que cada año se publican más libros en América Latina; frente a ello las bibliotecas no pueden ampliar sus recursos para comprar todos los libros de interés académico, dando como resultado que en conjunto compran los mismos libros que aunque sean los mas destacados, por calidad o por temática, dejan afuera muchas obras de autores que pueden destacarse en el futuro (literatura) o temas relativamente menores pero que suman a la investigación académica (papers, material gris, etc.) El proyecto colaborativo intenta reunir a un grupo de bibliotecas de una misma región o Estado, para que trabaje junto con un librero que asegure que al menos un libro académico este en una biblioteca asociada al proyecto y disponible para todas. A lo mencionado hay que agregar que la producción de libros electrónicos está creciendo en América Latina, lo que requiere optimizar los recursos económicos para mantener la cobertura y mantener la calidad del servicio a los usuarios de las bibliotecas.


Discussion Leader: Phil MacLeod, Emory University E-mail:


Topic:Buying Trips for the Library


Abstract: Latin American Librarianship has a long standing tradition of buying trips to acquire materials for the library.  I envision a discussion to share experiences of how to plan a buying trip, what does one look for on these trips, are these trips still essential for the acquisitions process?



Discussion Leader: Mary Jo  Zeter, Michigan State University       E-mail:


Topic: Approval Plans for New Books from Latin American and the Caribbean


Abstract:I envision a practical discussion of approval plans, including writing profiles, consideration of other plan elements and monitoring established plans.


SALALM 58 Conference No-Host Luncheons


No-Host Thematic/Topical Meals: A SALALM initiative for collegial community-building

This year we are going to re-institute the No-Host Thematic/Topical Meals: A SALALM initiative for collegial community-building.  This great idea, suggested by Peter Johnson, will not only allow us to reach new participants but, more importantly, will enable us to share knowledge. This is also a good idea for networking. The abundance of restaurants near the beautiful Westin Colonnade Hotel at Coral Gables will contribute to making this meal-related initiative very appetizing.

Peter Johnson kindly agreed to write the rationale behind this initiative plus the guidelines for its implementation.  I am cordially inviting all of you to read the information below and seriously consider submitting a proposal to lead a discussion table in a No-Host Meal.


Guidelines for Topical Meals – A SALALM Community-building Initiative

One of the most important functions that SALALM provides is that of building personal and institutional networks that form a strong community to meet the challenges involved with assisting scholars and students conducting research on Latin America. SALALM consists of many different types of communities as demonstrated by the work of its various committees, the content of its annual conferences, the hosting of affiliated groups, and the queries posted and resolved on LALA-L. Since its founding in 1956, SALALM has responded to the many changes occurring in Latin America and influencing research, and throughout all these years a critical factor has been the strength of the individual and collective networks formed by individual SALALM members.

SALALM LVIII expects many members to participate, and anticipates welcoming a good number of new members and student members. We hope to facilitate the community building between these two groups by re-instituting the program option of small group discussions around a focused topic during a meal. The centrality of food to community is well known, and so too is discussion and learning; SALALM LVIII proposes to combine both aspects for our conference attendees.

The no-host meal consists of a speaker along with five individuals (who have signed up in advance). The leader selects the restaurant and makes the reservation; those participating meet at the indicated time and place to go together to the restaurant. Each participant is responsible for his/her meal costs, including taxes and tip. Often restaurants automatically add the tip for groups of six or more; the menu will indicate that, as will the final bill. Because many restaurants will not issue individual bills for groups, participants should come prepared with cash.

By limiting the discussion to six people, a more focused and rewarding time is feasible. Participation by Libreros, bibliographers, publishers, catalogers, reference specialists, and scholars in the past made these meals an important additional learning experience, and opportunity to meet new people. Topics included publishing under dictatorships, acquisition of non-traditional publications, buying trips, cataloging rule changes, teaching research skills, new trends in archives, and disaster planning.

If you would like to participate as a leader, please send a title and three – five line description of the topic to President Martha Mantilla

Discussions may be in English, Portuguese, Spanish or any combination thereof.


Proposals to lead a discussion table should include the following points:

  • Brief title that clearly identifies the subject matter
  • Descriptive text of what the substance is, in 3 – 5 sentences
  • Brief biographical statement referencing qualifications to speak about the topic, in 1 – 3 sentences
  1. Proposals can be on any topic germane to the interests of SALALM
  2. Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the President by 1 March for consideration to include in the conference program
  3. Proposals accepted, and discussion leaders notified on or before 15 April
  4. Confirmation of acceptance by the discussion leader sent to the President within 1 week of receiving the notification
  5. President provides the SALALAM Host Institutions with all relevant information to be included in the conference program

Discussion leader’s responsibilities

1.  Prepare a single paragraph descriptive synthesis of the key points

2.  Submit this text to the President and LALA-L, subject line: No-host Meal Discussion: your topic’s title

3.  Check the conference program for your assigned day and time

4.  Select a restaurant from the Host’s list and make a reservation for 6

5.  On the posted sign-up sheets and/or the conference website, note the restaurant name and address

6.  Meet at the sign-up sheet board 15 minutes before the assigned time

7.  Evaluation:  send the President a short e-mail with your assessment