José Toribio Medina Award

One prize may be offered each year for a publication containing original research.

All types of research will be considered as long as the work adds to the body of knowledge about or provides previously unpublished access to Latin American library materials, Latin American libraries and librarianship, the Latin American book trade, and/or Latin American/Latina/o Studies. Format is not a criterion: books, scholarly journal articles, online databases and other electronically published works (for example, web pages, blogs), films, microforms, and other non-print materials are all eligible.

The Award is given to SALALM members only. In order to be eligible, the nominated author(s) must have been members of SALALM for three consecutive years, including the year of publication of his/her work. Thus, an individual who joined SALALM in 2014 would not be eligible to receive an award until 2017.

Nominated entries will be eligible for consideration for three years following the date of publication. A nominated title published in 2015, for instance, would be eligible for an award through 2018. Works may be re-nominated in subsequent years.

Translations and republications are not eligible. Second or later editions will be judged on the amount of new material incorporated.

The following criteria shall be considered by the Medina Award Panel to select the award-winning work:
• Aid to scholars/researchers (How helpful will this be to the scholar or researcher? What type of need does it fulfill?)
• Scope (Purpose, coverage, currency)
• For bibliographic works: Arrangement (Sequence, indexing, ease of consultation)
• Formatting (Physical make-up, illustrations, design if applicable)
• Special features (Distinction)
• Originality of effort (How original is the work? Does this cover the same ground as other publications? If not, what makes it different?)
• Comprehension of topic (Does the author/compiler demonstrate that he/she understands the subject? Is there an introductory essay that establishes the field so that a novice could grasp the scope and importance of the topic being treated?)
• Audience (How widely will this work be used?)
• Bibliography (the work should include a solid, diversified and updated bibliography)

Past Winners of the José Toribio Medina Award

SALALM Conference 2024
Dyck, Jason, transcription and introduction: Francisco de Florencia. Vidas de los varones ilustres. El tercer volumen de la Historia de la Provincia de la Compañía de Jesús de Nueva España. Mexico: ITESO, Universidad Iberoamericana León and Universidad Iberoamericana, 2023.

SALALM Conference 2023

Aponte, Sarah. La presencia dominicana en el periódico Las Novedades, 1876-1918: De breve mención a propietarios en la ciudad de Nueva York. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; New York: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña; CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.

SALALM Virtual Conference 
Cid Carmona, Víctor. Ciudad Letrada: La Gazeta de México y la difusión de la cultura impresa durante el siglo XVIII. Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas. El Colegio de México.

Gardinier, Lisa and Manuel Ostos. "Spanish-language Print Materials Within Academic Consortia: Assessing the Impact of Resource Sharing in Two Academic Libraries." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 44, no. 2 (March 2018): 295-299.

SALALM Virtual Conference 2020

Tarragó, Rafael E. The Ignored Contender: A Select Annotated Bibliography of the Cuban Autonomist Party (1878-1898). SALALM Secretariat, The Latin American Library, Tulane University, 2017.


2019 LXIIII Austin, Texas

Gayle Ann Williams and Jana Lee Krentz, editors. Latin American Collection Concepts: Essays on Libraries, Collaborations, and New Approaches. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2019.


2018 LXIII Mexico City, Mexico

Marisol Ramos, Jennifer Snow & Charles Venator-Santiago. “The Puerto Rican Citizenship Archives Project: A History of the Extension of U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Rico”


2017 LXII, Ann Arbor, MI

Antonio Sotomayor. The Sovereign Colony: Olympic Sport, National Identity, and International Politics in Puerto Rico (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016).


2016 LXI, Charlottesville, VA

Sarah A. Buck Kachaluba.


Buck Kachaluba, Sarah A. and Aaron Dziubinskyj, ed. and trans. Eugenia: a fictional sketch of future customs. A Critical Edition. Eduardo Urzáiz Rodríguez. (Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2016)



2015 LX, Princeton, NJ

Suzanne Schadl.

Schadl, Suzanne M., and Marina Todeschini. “Cite Globally, Analyze Locally: Citation Analysis from a Local Latin American Studies Perspective”. College & Research Libraries (2014): crl13-442.

2014 LIX, Salt Lake City, Utah

Sarah Aponte. Autores dominicanos de la diáspora: apuntes bio-bibliográficos (1902-2012) co-authored with Franklin Gutiérrez. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, 2013)

2012 LVII Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Molly Molloy. Frontera List for Mexico and Border News. (2009-current)

2009 LIV, Berlin, Germany

Víctor Federico Torres. Diccionario de Autores puertorriqueños contemporáneos (San Juan, P.R.: Editorial Plaza Mayor, 2009)

2007 LII, Albuquerque, NM

Víctor Julián Cid Carmona. Repertorio de impresos mexicanos en la Biblioteca Nacional de España, siglos XVI-XVII (Mexico, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 2004)


2006 LI, Santo Domingo, DR

Richard D. Woods. Autobiographical Writings on Mexico: an annotated bibliography of primary sources (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2005)

2005 L, Gainesville, FL

Ana María Cobos. Latin American Studies: an annotated bibliography of core works (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2002)

2004 XLIX, Ann Arbor, MI

Tony A. Harvell. Latin American Dramatists since 1945: a bio-bibliographical guide (Westport, CN: Praeger, 2003)

2003 XLVIII, Cartagena, Colombia

Victor Torres. Narradores puertorriqueños del '70: guía biobibliográfica (San Juan, PR: Editorial Plaza Mayor, 2001)

2002 XLVII, Ithaca, NY

Gayle Williams. Index Guide to Latin American Journals (Austin, TX: SALALM Secretariat, Benson Latin American Collection. The University of Texas at Austin, 1999)

2001 XLVI, Tempe, AZ

Iliana Sonntag Blay. Twentieth Century Poetry from Spanish America: An Index to Spanish Language and Bilingual Anthologies (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 1998)


2000 XLV, Long Beach, CA

Eileen Oliver. Afro-Brazilian Religions: A Selective Bibliography 1990-1997 (Austin, TX.: SALALM Secretariat, Benson Latin American Collection. The University of Texas at Austin, 1998)

1999 XLIV, Nashville, TN

Cecilia Puerto. Latin American Women Artists, Kahlo and Look Who Else: a selective, annotated bibliography (Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1996)

1998, XLIII, San Juan, PR

Peter A. Stern. Sendero Luminoso:an annotated bibliography of the Shining Path guerrilla movement, 1980-1993 (Albuquerque, NM: SALALM, 1995)

1997, XLII, Rockville, MD

Barbara Tennenbaum. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (New York: C Scribner's Sons, 1996)

1996, XLI, New York

Library of Congress, Hispanic Division. Handbook of Latin American Studies Compact Disk (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995)

1995, XL, Athens, GA

Nelly S. González. Bibliographic Guide to Gabriel García Márquez, 1986-1992 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994)

1994, XXXIX, Salt Lake City

C. Jared Loewenstein. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Jorge Luis Borges Collection in the University of Virginia Library (Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1993)

1993, XXXVIII, Guadalajara

Paula A. Covington. Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources (New York: Greenwood Press, 1992)

1992, XXXVII, Austin

Robert A. McNeil and Barbara G. Valk. Latin American Studies: A Basic Guide to Sources (2d ed., revised and enlarged; Metuchen, New Jersey and London: Scarecrow Press, 1990)

1991, XXXVI, San Diego

Carole Travis. A Guide to Latin American and Caribbean Census Material: A Bibliography and Union List (London: British Library, 1990)

1990, XXXV, Rio de Janeiro

Martha Davidson. Picture Collections, Mexico: A Guide to Picture Sources in the United Mexican States (Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1988)


Lionel V. Loroña. A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies, 1980-1984: Social Sciences and Humanities (Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1987)

1989, XXXIV, Charlottesville

Barbara Valk. Borderline: A Bibliography of the United States-Mexico Borderlands (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1988)

1988, XXXIII, Berkeley

George F. Elmendorf. Nicaraguan National Bibliography, 1800-1978 (Redlands: Latin American Bibliographic Foundation, 1987)

1987, XXXII, Miami

Nelly González and Margaret E. Fau. Bibliographic Guide to Gabriel García Márquez, 1979-1985 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1986)

1986, XXXI, Berlin

Alma Jordan and Barbara Comissiong. The English-speaking Caribbean: A Bibliography of Bibliographies (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984)

1985, XXX, Princeton

Werner Guttentag. Bio-bibliografía boliviana (Cochabamba: Los Amigos del Libro, 1975- )


Paula Covington. Indexed Journals: a Guide to Latin American Serials (Madison, WI: Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983)

1984, XXIX, Chapel Hill

Robin M. Price. An Annotated Catalogue of Medical Americana in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine: Books and Printed Documents, 1557-1821, from Latin America and the Caribbean Islands and Manuscripts from the Americas, 1575-1927 (London: The Institute, 1983)

1983, XXVIII, Costa Rica

Dolores Moyano Martin. Handbook of Latin American Studies (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1935- )


Sara de Mundo Lo. Index to Spanish American Collective Biography (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981- )

1982, XXVII, Washington, D.C.

Barbara Valk. HAPI, Hispanic American Periodical Index (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California, 1976- )