There are so many reasons to join the SALALM! If you have a passion for Latin American, Iberian, Caribbean, and Latinx library materials, then consider joining an international community of library workers, archivists, scholars, students, booksellers, and digital vendors that support research, teaching, learning, and creative endeavors. SALALM is an inclusive, welcoming, and fun organization. Find your professional home in SALALM!

Membership types: 


There are two principal member types: personal/individual and institutional members.


Personal/individual members benefit from an active professional network, discounted conference rates, individual access to SALALM publications via Project MUSE, and virtual offerings throughout the year. In addition, personal members are able to participate in SALALM governance by voting, serving as officers on the Executive Board, and joining standing committees. Personal members are eligible for various financial awards that subsidize research and collaborative activities. These generous awards allow members to make important scholarly contributions to the research community, furthering new knowledge about Latin America, the Caribbean, and their diasporas.


Institutional members are equally integral to the SALALM community, allowing SALALM to sustain a robust publishing program as well as convert legacy publications to open access. Institutional members can provide their libraries with IP-address authenticated access to the most recent paywalled SALALM publications, so your whole campus can enjoy and make use of SALALM scholarship. Partnering with Project MUSE allows SALALM to support a more equitable, sustainable, and wide-reaching publishing program.


Special member types: 

Within personal/individual memberships there are four Supporting-level categories: Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Lifetime. Supporting-level members receive the same benefits as standard personal members. However, by selecting one of these categories, individuals are choosing to supplement their membership in order to help SALALM reach its strategic goals, such as:

  • converting retrospective publications to open access 
  • funding scholarships and awards to increase research efforts
  • meeting the rising costs of hosting conferences

A personal membership is owned by the individual, providing them access to a wide professional network and educational opportunities. An institutional membership is owned by the institution and amounts to a subscription to the electronic publications that SALALM produces. An institutional membership does not confer the benefits of individual memberships to an institution’s employees. For more information, please read about Member Benefits.

To join SALALM, please click here.