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An explanation:
In this guide Basque Country (greater region) / Euskal Herria means the home of Basque people (Euskaldunak). In this guide we will include information about their language (Basque: Euskara), history, politics, culture and traditions .
This Greater Region comprises the Autonomous Communities of the Basque Country and Navarre in Spain and the Northern Basque Country in France.
We need to highlight that this region is neither linguistically nor culturally homogeneous, and certain areas have a majority of people who do not consider themselves Basque, such as the south of Navarre.
The territory of the Basque Country (greater region):
Note: When appropiatte geographic names are always included following this sequence:
The Northern Basque Country (Iparralde or Ipar Euskal Herria / Pays basque nord / País Vasco francés) located entirely in France, in the Akitania / Aquitaine / Aquitania Region, exactly in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques département abd called in french "Pays basque français". It is traditionally subdivided into three provinces:
Lapurdi / Labourd / Labort. Its traditional capital is the commune Uztaritze / Ustaritz / Ustaritz and the major city is Baiona / Bayonne / Bayona
Nafarroa Beherea or Baxenabarre / Basse-Navarre / Baja Navarra. its traditional capital is the commune Donibane Garazi/Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port/San Juan Pie de Puerto
Zuberoa / Soule / Sola. Its tradional capital is Maule-Lextarre / Mauléon-Licharre or Mauléon / Mauleón-Licharre.
The Southern Basque Country (Hegoalde or Hego Euskal Herria / Pays basque sud / País Vasco peninsular) is the part of the Basque region that lies completely within Spain. Also called Spanish Basque Country (País Vasco español). It includes two main regions and two small territories:
The Basque Autonomous Community ((Euskadi or Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa / Pays basque or communautés autonomes du Pays basque / Pais Vasco or Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Its capital is Gasteiz/Vitoria/Vitoria, officially called Vitoria-Gasteiz) It consists of three provinces, specifically designated "historical territories":
Araba/Álava/Álava (capital: officially called Vitoria-Gasteiz)
Bizkaia/Biscaye/Vizcaya (capital: Bilbo / Bilbao / Bilbao)
Gipuzkoa/Guipuscoa/Guipúzcoa (capital: Donostia / Saint-Sébastien / San Sebastián), officially called Donostia-San Sebastián
Navarra, officially called the Chartered Community of Navarre (Nafarroa or Nafarroako Foru Komunitatea / Navarre / Navarra or Comunidad Foral de Navarra) Its capital is Iruña or Iruñea / Pampelune / Pamplona). It is a foral autonomous community formed by single-province.
Trebiñuko Barrendegia / Enclave de Treviño. in northern Spain is part of the territory of the province of Burgos (part of Castile and León), but is completely surrounded by the territory of the Basque Country province of Álava
Villaverde Turtzioz / Valle de Villaverde. is a town and municipality in the autonomous community of Cantabria, Spain.It is surrounded by the Basque municipalities of Carranza, Arcentales, and Trucíos, but the town belongs to the administration of the government of Cantabria.