Tendencias Editoriales y Realidades Libreras Latinoamericanas (2014)

Moderator: Álvaro Risso (Librería Linardi y Risso)
Rapporteur: Wendy Pedersen (Universidad de Nuevo México

Julio Marchena, Libros Peruanos S.A.
Nuevas Tendencias en la Industria Editorial Peruana

Fernando Genovart, Librería García Cambeiro
Argentinean Academic Publishing Industry, Monographs

Vera de Araujo-Shellard, Susan Bach Books from Brazil
Sandra Soares de Costa, Susan Bach Books from Brazil
Publishing Trends in Contemporary Brazil: Who is Minding the Book Store?

S. Lief Adleson, Books from Mexico
Pedro Figueroa, Books from Mexico
Among Books and Dealers: Constants and Changes in the Mexican Academic Publishing Industry

S. Lief Adleson, Books from Mexico
Preliminary Report of the Acquisitions Trends Survey Task Force

Julio Marchena discussed developments in Peruvian publishing. Peru was the featured country this year at the FILBO in Bogotá. He points out that several important contemporary Peruvian authors were first published outside of Peru, names such as Diego Trelles, Jerónimo Pimentel, Jeremías Gamboa, & Gabriela Weiner. “Marca Perú” is a current branding project, a collaborative marketing strategy and a sign of an expanding publishing industry. Noting a connection between malnutrition and illiteracy, efforts are under way to popularize reading in the barrios.

Fernando Genovart discussed Argentina’s 300% increase in publishing since the 1990s. Argentina is currently 4th in production. In 2013, the number for hard copy books was 23,316 and for e-books, 4,441 – many of which were editions of works now out-of-copyright. Buenos Aires Province produces 89% of Argentina’s output. Print runs are smaller and printing on demand is common, all of which is having a negative effect on bookstores. Fernando advises us that Argentina produces numerous journals that show no US holdings and are not available by Open Access.

Vera Araújo and Sandra Soares offered some numbers and then some analysis on the state of publishing in Brazil. In 2013 almost 84,000 titles of all types were published, largely translations. About 5,000 are titles of academic interest; it was noted that Harvard only took 2,500 of these. The greatest numbers of Brazilian publishers are in São Paulo, followed by Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Print runs are dwindling, which accounts for the appearance of so many “edições” of the same title. Publication of devotional material is surging and much of it is being sold to the State, for reasons unknown. Seasonally, the first books to come out each year are school books, with most works carrying the current year imprint appearing in May and later. For approval plans, this makes a case for allowing the previous year’s imprints. Regarding e-books, Vera says, “You don’t see them anywhere”. According to data compiled  by the Câmara Brasileira do Livro, e-book publishing grew by 350% from 2011 to 2012, yet comprised less than 1% of billing.

In Mexico, Lief Adelson and Pedro Figueroa report that most academic publications are directly or indirectly susidized by government, and partnering is widely practiced. History: after the 1985 earthquake, decentralization of many institutions took hold, with public money moving out into the states. Now 40-50% of publishing happens outside the Distrito Federal. There is much more coming out from regional universities, their research institutes, and “institutos culturales estatales”.  Private commercial publishers are in flux; production is declining at Plaza Y Valdez and Siglo Veintiuno. Even FCE (Fondo de Cultura Económica), by far the most widespread imprint in Latin America, dipped in 2013. Newer publishers such as Bonilla-Artigas, Cacciani, Ediciones Endora & Editorial Terracota are on the rise.  As in other countries, the size of print runs is down (500 average for academic works) and print-on-demand is more common. Prices are rising. Although academic departments are under pressure to publish electronically, Mexico produces the lowest number of e-books in Latin America and there is no consensus on platforms. INEGI has stopped printing altogether and now offers their born-digital statistical materials exclusively online.

Paloma Celis-Carbajal briefly discussed the charge of SALALM’s Acquisitions Trends Survey Task Force.
