2011 Schedule/Presentations
Preserving Memory: Documenting and Archiving Latin American Human Rights
Monday, May 30, 2011
Opening Session & Keynote Address
Rapporteur: Gabriella Natasha Reznowski, Washington State University
Welcoming Remarks
Nerea A. Llamas
SALALM President 2010-2011
University of Michigan
Joseph Holub
SALALM Local Arrangements Co-chair, 2010-2011
University of Pennsylvania
David C. Murray
SALALM Local Arrangements Co-chair, 2010-2011
Temple University
H. Carton Rogers
Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
University of Pennsylvania
Ann Farnsworth-Alvear
Director of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program
University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan LeBreton
Senior Associate University Librarian
Temple University Libraries
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
“Forensic Archivists and Active Archives: Advancing the Cause of Human Rights in Latin America through Archival Investigation”/ Peter Kornbluh, National Security Archive
Panel 1
11:00 a.m.- 12:45 p.m.
"Para no olvidar de que estamos hechos": New trends in documentary film/
Nuevas tendencias en el cine
Moderator: Paloma Celis Carbajal, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Rapporteur: Daisy V. Domínguez, City College of New York
Origins, aesthetics, dynamics, and players of the new filmmaking revolution in Latin America/ Gregory Berger, Grigoyo Productions
Film as a springboard for dialogue on immigration and related issues/ Shamina de Gonzaga, What moves you?
New partnerships in Latin American outreach through film: The Cinema Tropical Case/ Carlos Gutiérrez, Cinema Tropical
Collaborative Documentation and Advocacy/ Alex Halkin, Chiapas Media Project
Film as Source Material and Teaching Tool: Sol Productions and Moving Pictures o Los autos de Caracas/ Christopher Moore, Sol Productions
Panel 2
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Four Case Studies on Human Rights Archiving: Methods, process, content and connections to users
Moderator : Holly Ackerman, Duke University
Rapporteur: Melissa Guy, Arizona State University
Remembering Guantánamo: How can we build a public memory of this site’s century-long history?/ Bix Gabriel, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience
The Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research: Collecting, Preserving, and Promoting the Record of Human Rights/ Pamela Graham, Columbia University
History in Action: Connecting Students, Scholars and Community to Human Rights Histories & Practice/ Patrick Stawski, Duke University
From Underground to Open Access: civil war, society and political transition as documented by the Guatemala News/ Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez, Princeton University
Panel 3
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Preservación de la memoria cultural a través de la educación, la literatura y la política pública
Moderator: Víctor J. Cid Carmona, Colegio de México
Rapporteur: Virginia García, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
Construyendo saberes, transmitiendo conocimiento ancestral. Rescate y promoción de la memoria histórica de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes de las regiones autónomas de Nicaragua/ Mercedes Tinoco Espinoza, Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN).
Poesía ¿olvido o memoria?/ Christina Karageorgou-Bastea, Vanderbilt University
Políticas públicas y centros de memoria sobre derechos humanos en América Latina : El caso colombiano/ Álvaro Arias Cruz, USA Libros
Panel 4
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Documentary : ‘Indocumentales’ : al otro lado/Shamina de Gonzaga
Moderator : Rhonda Neugebauer, University of California, Riverside
Rapporteur: Ellen Jaramillo, Yale University
Panel 5
4:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.
Human rights abuses in Mexico: claiming space through data, bibliography and art
Moderator: Peter Stern, University of Massachusetts
Rapporteur: Sócrates Silva, HAPI
The Shifting Realities of Mexico’s Drug War Death Toll: Will We Ever Know How Many People Have Died?/ Molly Molloy, New Mexico State University
Literatura mexicana sobre derechos humanos : ¿Quiénes son y dónde publican los especialistas mexicanos? /Tomás Bocanegra-Esqueda, El Colegio de México
ASARO : Claiming Space in Digital Objects and Social Networks/ Suzanne Schadl and Claire-Lise Benaut, University of New Mexico
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Panel 6
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Archivos audiovisuales y documentales: aportes a la construcción y difusión de la memoria
Moderator: Fernando Acosta, Princeton University
Rapporteur: Georgette Dorn, Library of Congress
Los archivos audiovisuales : aportes para la memoria en construcción/ Corina Norro, Archivo Nacional de la Memoria de Argentina
Memoria e Imagen : los archivos audiovisuales del Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica de la UCA/ Margarita Vannini , Universidad Centroamericana
Clasificación temática de archivos orales sobre derechos humanos : aportes para una metodología/ Graciela G. Barcala de Moyano , Academia Nacional de la Historia
Difusión y Acceso público del patrimonio del Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos mediante su Centro de Documentación/ Daniela Fuentealba and María Luisa Ortiz, Museo de la Memoria
Panel 7
9 :00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Documentary : LIVING JUAREZ and Cuba Documentaries / Americas Media Initiative/ Alexandra Halkin
Moderator: David Nolen, Mississippi State University
Rapporteur: Sarah Buck Kachaluba, Florida State University
Panel 8
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Cuba and Haiti: Archival Experiences at the University of Miami
Moderator: Meiyolet Méndez, University of Miami Libraries
Rapporteur: Sarah Yoder Leroy, University of Pittsburgh
It takes an [exiled] village: building the Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries/ Maria Estorino, University of Miami
Documenting the Haitian Diaspora: Fringe & Fugitive Voices/ Beatrice Colastin Skokan, University of Miami
Blueprint for a collaborative instruction model: a multi-disciplinary approach/ Meiyolet Méndez, University of Miami
Panel 9
11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Constructing the Digital Memory: Emerging Practices in the Creation and Preservation of Born Digital Human Rights
Moderator: Pamela Graham, Columbia University
Rapporteur: Bridget Gazzo, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
Collecting the Human Rights Web/ Pamela Graham, Alex Thurman and Tessa Fallon, Columbia University
The Human Rights Electronic Evidence Study/ Sarah B. Van Deusen Phillips and James Simon, Center for Research Libraries
Preserving Human Rights Archives and Cultural Patrimony: Strategies of the Human Rights Documentation Initiative/ Christian Kelleher, University of Texas
Panel 10
11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Documenting the Immigrant Experience Past and Present
Moderator: Melissa Gasparotto, Rutgers University
Rapporteur: Ellen Jaramillo, Yale University
Opening Doors to our Cultural Heritage: the Caribbean Indo Museum of Trinidad and Tobago/ Kumaree Ramtahal, University of the West Indies
Illegal Immigration into Trinidad and Tobago: Human Rights and Justice/ Elmelinda Lara, University of the West Indies
Preserving and Documenting the Presence of Dominicans in New York during the Early 20th Century/ Sarah Aponte, City College of New York
Panel 11
11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Pecha Kucha: snapshots of emerging library trends
Moderator : Alison Hicks, University of Colorado, Boulder
Rapporteur: David Dressing, Notre Dame University
Librarian with a Latte: Reaching Out to Students Beyond the Library's Walls/ Jesus Alonso Regalado, University at Albany, State University of New York
Caribbean Collections: A quick digital tour/ Holly Ackerman, Duke University
Beyond the Stone: Opportunities and Materials for Language Learners/ Gabriella Reznowski, Washington State University
FRBR-izing the Library Catalog: a look into the OPAC of the future/ Brenda Salem, University of Pittsburgh
Becoming Part of your Students' Community/ A.J. Johnson, University of Texas, Austin
The Missing Link: Using Your Liaison Relationships to Change Scholarly Communications/ Meagan Lacey, Indiana University-Purdue University
Hash Tags, Drupals, and Energy Dialog archiving in Twitter/ Suzanne Schadl, University of New Mexico
Panel 12
2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Exhuming the Archive: Countering impunity and restoring cultural heritage in neocolonial and post-conflict states
Moderator : Silvia Mejia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rapporteur: Suzanne Schadl, University of New Mexico
Sharing Archives: The P.R. Civil Court Cases Collection Digital Project/ Marisol Ramos, University of Connecticut
Tejiendo la Memoria: Strengthening Collective Memory of El Salvador's Civil War through Transnational Digitization Partnerships/ T-Kay Sangwand, University of Texas, Austin
Declassification and Accountability for Part Abuses: Transitional Justice in Latin America and the Impact of Declassified U.S. Government Documents/ Joel Blanco-Rivera, University of Pittsburgh
Panel 13
2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
E-books, New Products/New Developments
Moderator: Adán Griego, Stanford University [PowerPoint]
Rapporteur: Meagan Lacy, Indiana University-Purdue University
Patron-Driven Acquisitions: A Subject Librarian’s Perspective / Melissa Guy, Arizona State University
The socialization of knowledge/ Felipe Varela, e-libro.com
Digital Collection Development: Acquisition Options/ Lluis Claret, Digitalia
Scholarly ebooks from Spain / Barbara Casalini, Casalini Libri
Panel 14
2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Documentary: Dzi Croquettes or Nostalgia por la luz/ Carlos Gutiérrez
Moderator: Richard Phillips, University of Florida
Rapporteur: David S. Nolen, Mississippi State University
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Panel 15
9:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m.
Testimonies of political oppression and the struggle to preserve them
Moderator: Marisol Ramos, University of Connecticut
Rapporteur: Barbara Alvarez, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
ASARO / Jared Marchildon, Libros Latinos
Breaking down the wall of silence: the archives in the battle for retrieving Spain’s historical memory / Gustavo Castaner, International Monetary Fund
Memorializing Memories/ Irene Munster, University of Maryland
Under Threat: Academics Documenting Human Rights Abuses, the Case of Argentine Professor William Sill / Mark Grover, Brigham Young University
Panel 16 was cancelled.
9:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m.
Documentary: La rebeldía bajo sitio/ Gregory Berger
Moderator: Eudora Loh, University of California, Los Angeles
Rapporteur: Adrian N. Johnson, University of Texas at Austin
Panel 17
9:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m.
Exploring collaboration, classification, information retrieval and innovative library service
Moderator: Héctor Morey, Library of Congress
Rapporteur: Brenda Salem, University of Pittsburgh
Search Engine Optimization for the Research Librarian, or How Librarians Can Beat Spammers at their own Game / Melissa Gasparotto, Rutgers University
Digging for Treasure: Zarzuelas and other gems in the Historical Sound Recording collection at Yale University / Diane Napert, Yale University
Primeros Libros: a working model of institutional collaboration / Craig Schroer, University of Texas, Austin and Anton du Plessis , Texas A&M
QR Codes en español: Point of need mobile library services / Alison Hicks, University of Colorado, Boulder
Panel 18
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Memories of oppression, war and upheaval: a look at three archives
Moderator: Mary Jo Zeter, Michigan State University
Rapporteur: Bridget Gazzo, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library
Preserving the Memory of Chilean Exile, 1973-1990/ Ana María Cobos, Saddleback College and Ana Lya Sater, Los Angeles City College, retired
Preserving the Historical Memory of Human Rights Abuses of the El Salvador Civil War/ Bruce P. Montgomery and Yolanda Maloney, University of Colorado, Boulder
Documenting and Preserving Social Memory: 1970 and 1990 Uprisings in Trinidad and Tobago/ Arlene Dolabaille, Floris Fraser & Mariella Pilgrim, University of the West Indies
Panel 19
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Documentary: Moving Pictures o los autos de Caracas/ Christopher Moore
Moderator: Lynn Shirey, Harvard University
Rapporteur: John B. Wright, Brigham Young University
Panel 20
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Memory keepers: librarians documenting unrest in Latin America
Moderator: Paula Covington, Vanderbilt University
Rapporteur: Peter S. Bushnell, University of Florida
Putting the Mexican Revolution Online: The Library of Congress Experience/ Barbara Tenenbaum, Library of Congress
The 1988 Plebiscite in Chile: A Personal Experience/ Amy Puryear, Library of Congress
Eva Perón, Published Memory and Human Rights: the Bibliographer as Memory Keeper/ Donna Canevari de Paredes, University of Saskatchewan
The Mystery of the Fake Filibusterer: Using Digital Newspaper Archives to Reconstruct a Hoax from 1895/ Paul Losch, University of Florida