
Meet the 2016 SALALM Conference Scholarship Winners: Amanda Moreno

Amanda Moreno is an MA/MSLIS...

Amanda Moreno is an MA/MSLIS candidate in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Library and Information Science at New York University and Long Island University. She will graduate from her coordinated master's programs in May 2016, having received funding through NYU's MacCraken Fellowship, the ALA Spectrum Scholars program, and the ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce.

Graduating magna cum laude from the University of Miami in 2012 with degrees in Political Science, Psychology, and Spanish, she worked as an archives assistant at the university's Cuban Heritage Collection, where she was first introduced to Latin American library and archival collections; this experience prompted her to pursue her graduate education in New York. She is currently a Collection Development Assistant for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at NYU's Bobst Library, where she helps grow the library's Latin American collections and contributes to related reference and instruction efforts with the university's undergraduate and graduate students. Her research and professional interests include Afro-Latin culture and community archives.

