
Tony Harvell Retires

This past January Tony Harvell retired...

This past January Tony Harvell retired after almost 38 years  as an information professional.  His career as a Government Documents librarian started at Ohio University in 1975, later at Miami University in Ohio.  He worked at the University of Florida (1981-1983) and later at the University of Miami (1983-1991). While at the University of Miami, he received his MA in Latin American Studies and began working as Latin American Bibliographer there.
In 1991 he moved to California to the University of San Diego to be Head of Reference and Librarian for Latin American & Iberian Studies. Tony was  later promoted to Head of Collection Management. In 2003 he became Head of Acquisitions at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD), with Latin American Studies always at his side, even if not always as part of his formal duties.  At SALALM's 59th annual conference (2004), Tony earned the Jose Toribio Medina Award awarded for the best reference work that year (Latin American Dramatists since 1945: a Bio-bibliographical Guide).
In 2009, he was promoted to Distinguished Librarian status at UCSD, the highest rank for the librarian series at the University of California. More recently, Tony assumed the role of Latin American and Iberian Humanities Librarian at UCSD and chaired the California Cooperative Collection Development Group (CALAFIA).
Tony's first SALALM conference was in 1987 in Miami. Throughout those 25 years, he was an active member serving in various committees. Many of us remember his quick wit and humor, which could make even the driest meeting more enjoyable.  He plans to travel, learn Italian and spend many a sunny day at the beach. Our CALAFIA colleagues and I wish him well on his "jubilación."

Adán Griego
Stanford University

