
In Memoriam: Librarians and book dealers

In the last year SALALM has lost several veteran members....

 In the last year SALALM has lost several veteran members, both librarians and vendors, who have been part of SALALM since the group's beginnings in 1956.

James M. Breedlove (Jim) died on June 12, 2018. He was the first Curator for Latin American & Iberian Collections at the Stanford Libraries, a post he held for 25 years. Upon retirement, he moved to Mexico and while living in Oaxaca, he co-founded Libros para Pueblos, a non-profit with the mission of establishing lending libraries in public primary schools in Oaxaca.  Read More

Bolivian librero Alfredo Montalvo died on September 4, 2018. A book-lover at heart, Alfredo's private collection, Biblitoteca Inca in Cochabamba, was a great, if little-know, treasure. SALALmistas Paula Covington and David Block remember him as someone “willing to engage in the labor intensive acquisition of gray materials for research libraries.”  Read More

Uruguayan book dealer Juan Ignacio Risso attended consecutive SALALM conferences from 1973 until 1995. Upon his retirement he was named Honorary Member, the first librero to be so recognized by SALALM. In his native Montevideo he was part owner of the iconic Libreía Linardi y Risso with his friend Adolfo Linardi, also SALALM librero. He passed away on September 19, 2018 at the age of 90.  Read More

Bridget Gazzo, longtime librarian for Pre-Columbian Studies at the Dumbarton Oaks Library & Archives, died on November 3, 2018. Among her varied activities, she was a volunteer indexer for the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI). Her HAPI colleagues remember her fondly.  Read More

On opening day of SALALM's 64th annual conference in Austin, Texas we received the sad news that Guillermo Náñez de Falcón, former Director of Tulane's Latin American Library, had died earlier that day (June 27) in New Orleans.  Read More

We remember them all.
Adan Griego

