
ICYMI: February 15-21

Muere la destacada escritora Rosario Ferré Ramírez de Arellano | El Nuevo Día

Rosario Ferré Ramírez de Arellano, novelista, poetisa, cuentista, ensayista y crítica literaria ponceña, falleció anoche a los 77 años, informó su familia. Ver noticia

Why are the lost tribes now emerging from the Amazon? | The Guardian

Film-maker Angus Macqueen had extraordinary access to one of the last uncontacted indigenous peoples for his new documentary. Here he tells of the struggles they now face on the border of Brazil and Peru. Read more

A poster exhibit stopping in L.A. gives voice to Mexico's missing 43 students | Los Angeles Times

The posters are an outcry by artists from 13 countries in response to the 2014 kidnapping in Iguala, Mexico, of 43 students on their way to a political protest. Read more

Havana Book Fair: New Chapters in Warming Relations | Publishing Perspectives

American and international publishers attended the 2016 Havana Book Fair in hopes of finding new business opportunities in an economically friendlier Cuba. Read more

Morales: ‘It is not the power of Evo, it is the power of the people' | The Guardian

As he seeks to change Bolivia's constitution to allow him to run for a fourth term, Evo Morales ruminates on how his country has changed but still needs his leadership. Read more

This Documentary Uncovers An Afro-Cuban Community Singing In An Almost Extinct African Language | ReMezcla

They Are We tells a story that, were it not told by a University professor in the middle of a documentary, you'd swear couldn't possibly be true. Read more

El rock tsotsil que reivindica la lengua maya | DEMX

Uno de los híbridos más interesantes de la globalización es la apropiación de géneros internacionales a culturas locales, como la maya tsotsil. Leer entrevista

Pope Francis finds himself in US immigration debate after Mexico visit | The Guardian

The pontiff is expected to pray for the estimated 6,000 migrants who have died crossing the Mexican border since 2000, drawing ire from Donald Trump. Read more




