
ICYMI: Late November – Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the last "In Case You Missed It" column of 2015. I will be back in 2016 with more news and updates. If you have any questions, please get in contact with me. Happy holidays, everyone! 


Conservative Mauricio Macri wins Argentina presidency | BBC

Conservative Mauricio Macri has been confirmed as the winner in Argentina's presidential elections after his ruling party opponent conceded. Read more

Change ahead: Mauricio Macri's vision for Argentina | BBC

Only a year ago, Buenos Aires mayor Mauricio Macri was seen as a minor player in the race for the presidency. Read more

Prêmio Jabuti divulga a lista dos vencedores de 2015 | Globo

A C&mara Brasileira do Livro divulgou nesta quinta-feira (19) a lista dos vencedores do prêmio Jabuti, a mais tradicional premiação literária do Brasil. Leia mais

Senior Brazilian senator and billionaire CEO both arrested for corruption | The Guardian

Delcídio do Amaral and André Esteves, of BTG Pactual SA, taken into custody as part of Petrobras kickback scandal. Read more

Fotografía española durante la Guerra Civil | El Documentalista Audiovisual

Muerte de un miliciano es una de las fotografías más conocidas de la Guerra Civil Española. Ver noticia

Project MUSE Partners with UNEBOOK, Bringing Spanish-Language Academic Books to MUSE Platform | Project Muse

Project MUSE is pleased to announce a partnership with UNEBOOK.ES to offer ebooks from publishers based in Spain and Latin America to the Project MUSE library market worldwide. See announcement

Academic print books are dying. What's the future? | The Conversation

The print-format scholarly book, a bulwark of academia's publish-or-perish culture, is an endangered species. The market that has sustained it over the years is collapsing. Read more

Las academias muestran la fortaleza del español | El País

El congreso de la ASALE subraya la riqueza de la diversidad. Ver noticia

34 pioneras que hicieron historia | El País

En 1975 no había juezas, ministras, policías, académicas, rectoras… A lo largo de la democracia han sido decenas los cargos e instituciones a los que llegaba por primera vez una mujer. Ver noticias

In Brazil, These Books Double as Subway Tickets | Book Business

People only read an average of about two books a year in Brazil. To promote reading, Brazil's biggest pocket book publisher L&PM Editores created a collection of small paperbacks that also work as subway tickets. Read more

Fuertes repercusiones por un editorial de La Nación | La Nación

El texto "No más venganza" suscitó fuertes críticas y rechazos en ámbitos políticos y periodísticos. Ver noticia

Festival Eñe también se escribe con M, de mujer | El País

La cita de creación y debate llegó a su fin en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid tras dos días de intensa reflexión. Ver noticia

40 años: La transformación de un país | El País 

Se cumplen 40 años de la muerte de Franco. Cuatro décadas de construcción y transformación de España. Ver artículo

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S. | Pew Research Center

Net Loss of 140,000 from 2009 to 2014; Family Reunification Top Reason for Return. Read more

La UNESCO declara patrimonio de América Latina el archivo de Ignacio Ellacuría | El Diario

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) declaró "Patrimonio Documental" de América Latina al archivo del jesuita Ignacio Ellacuría, asesinado en El Salvador en 1989, informó hoy el Museo salvadoreño de la Palabra y la Imagen (MUPI). Ver noticia

An African King in Bolivia | New York Times

Tucked away in an isolated part of Bolivia, there is a royal family whose existence is as surprising as it is humble. Despite his title, King Don Julio I and his wife live in a small apartment atop a small store in Mururata, Bolivia, where he farms coca leaves and other crops. Read more

Travel The El Paso Mission Trail: Where The Real First Thanksgiving Took Place | Huffington Post

When one thinks of the history of Texas, the first thing they think about is probably the Alamo, right? But to get to the early history of the Lone Star state, head on over to the El Paso Mission Trail in west Texas. Read more

Brazil's only slave memoir to be published in Portuguese for first time | The Guardian

Four million Africans were brought to Brazil as slaves but only Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua wrote down his story – in English as a free man in Canada. Read more

Investigación judicial por fraude millonario en las ayudas a películas | El País

Un informe del Ministerio de Cultura destapa numerosos cines que falsean datos de espectadores para lograr ayudas. Ver noticia




