
ICYMI: November 2022

In Case You Missed It for November 2022...

La Confederación de Repositorios de Acceso Abierto (COAR) anuncia la primera recomendación para apoyar el contenido multilingüe y no inglés en los repositories | Universo Abierto

El 1 de noviembre de 2022, el Grupo de Trabajo COAR publicó su recomendación inicial para mejorar el descubrimiento de contenidos de los repositorios en una variedad de idiomas, junto con una guía de implementación para la comunidad de repositorios.

‘Tipo, lito, calavera: Historias del diseño gráfico en Colombia': una exhibición que se imprime en el imaginario | Semana

Esta masiva muestra, que abarca el legado del diseño gráfico colombiano y la tipografía a lo largo del siglo XX, se prueba memorable en elevar hitos, anécdotas, maestros y obras asombrosas que cambian percepciones sobre los creadores locales.

La literatura electrónica: algunos ejemplos desde América Latina | Gatopardo

No cualquier texto digitalizado es literatura electrónica; para serlo, debe poner de manifiesto el soporte y el medio en el que existe. Este ensayo presenta varios ejemplos sobresalientes, creados por artistas latinoamericanos, que evidencian el código, el algoritmo y la tecnología, al tiempo que muestran sus límites y juegan con la posibilidad del error, el glitch, la alteración, la participación y lo ininteligible.

Collection: Colección Documental sobre la violencia política en el Perú | Princeton University Library

The collection, compiled by Gustavo Gorriti Ellenbogen during his years as an investigative journalist during the period, consists of a vast array of documents including political brochures, flyers, reports from political organizations, periodical publications, newspaper clippings, personal documentation, books and literature of the time. It is probably the most complete and detailed documentary collection for the analysis of the terrorist phenomenon in Peru.

CFP: SALALM LXVIII Connection Development: Collaborations and Communities Across the Americas, Iberia, the Caribbean, and their Diasporas, June 5-9, 2023, Washington, DC, USA

This conference is an opportunity to highlight collaborations that are intra- or inter-institutional, national or international. We will highlight collaborations that help get libraries and their communities through past and present moments of crisis. We will look at the different ways people across the Americas, Iberia, the Caribbean and their diasporas create communities to work together to affect change. These communities might be communities of academic and librarians, they might be communities of public health workers and educators. These communities might exist online or face-to-face and they might also be communities that were created online to help ease personal remote isolation whether short-term for a pandemic or long-term for physical, emotional, or socio-political reasons.


A collection of memories of and tributes to our late colleague and friend, Roberto C. Delgadillo.

Video: Alfin sin fronteras: Un Proyecto colaborativo e interinstitucional para el Desarrollo de habilidades informativas | Colegio de México


Video: El rol de los bibliotecarios académicos frente a los desafíos de los nuevos modelos de comunicación académica | El Colegio de México


Mexican Academy Suspends Ariel Awards Due To “Financial Crisis” As Guillermo Del Toro Calls Out “Systematic Destruction” Of Local Industry | Deadline

The Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (AMACC), the body in charge of the country's preservation and development of cinema, said Thursday that it is in a “serious financial crisis” and will suspend the 2023 Ariel Awards, the country's leading film awards.

A decade after her death, this bawdy Latina lesbian rebel poet is overdue for recognition | LA Times

The majority of American readers are, unfortunately, unfamiliar with the name tatiana de la tierra. By way of introduction, here is how the late writer described herself in the essay “Aliens and Others”: “I am a fat, slightly bearded lesbian. A white Latina of Colombian extraction. A pagan lacking in Catholic guilt. A hedonist who knows shame. I have been diagnosed with lupus. Drive a pink and purple pickup. Collect rocks. Been poor most of my life. Knew gold-plated Gucci wealth for a few memorable years. I am a writer.”

En la FIL de Guadalajara, como siempre | El Español

La Feria Internacional del Libro mexicana es un trasatlántico que, como los buenos vinos y las obras de arte, mejora con los años.

Collection: Digitizing and Documenting the African American Presence in Samaná, Dominican Republic | CCNY Libraries

‘We Choose Freedom': Documenting African American Presence in the Dominican Republic is a digital archive that recovers, preserves and makes available treasured records of the past. It contains a collection of rare and delicate archival documents pertaining to African Americans that arrived in 1824 from different ports along the Eastern United States to Samaná, Dominican Republic. The documents include books of baptisms, marriage certificates, as well as notes of church meetings, collective decisions and other random papers from Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal and St. Peter's Evangelical Churches in Samaná that document the lives of this Afro diasporic community ranging from 1909-1970.

Video: Equity in Action Recipient Presentation: CUNY Graduate Center and NYU Libraries | Metropolitan New York Library Council


Salen a la luz las últimas Sinsombrero, las autoras olvidadas de la Generación del 27 | El Español

Tania Balló culmina con una exposición en el Fernán Gómez de Madrid y un tercer libro su labor de rescate y divulgación de las intelectuales silenciadas tras la Guerra Civil

How Colonial Artisans Dazzled the New World | New York Times

They used gorgeous propaganda, those brutes, according to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The 93 artifacts in “Archive of the World: Art and Imagination in Spanish America, 1500-1800” reveal the sumptuous visual logic of the Spanish Empire, one of the most powerful and wide-reaching the world has ever seen, from the point of view of its colonial artisans.

A Championship Season in Mariachi Country | New York Times

Every year along the Texas border, high school teams battle it out in one of the nation's most intense championship rivalries. But they're not playing football.

