
ICYMI: January 2022

In Case You Missed It for January 2022...

Los lugares donde el idioma judeoespañol (o ladino) sigue vivo y en evolución | BBC

El judeoespañol no ha sido ni es homogéneo, sino todo lo contrario, ya que su principal rasgo característico es el polimorfismo ("que puede tener distintas o múltiples formas"). De hecho, no es raro encontrar variantes de un mismo fenómeno que alternan en un mismo texto.

España anuncia que será el país invitado de honor de la FIL de Guadalajara en 2024 | El País

Aunque aún no se ha firmado un convenio definitivo, el ministro de Cultura español ha hecho públicas las favorables negociaciones entre su país y la feria del libro.

Júri escolheu os 14 finalistas para Prémio Literário Casino da Póvoa do Correntes d'Escritas | Publico

O vencedor do prémio desta 23.ª edição do Correntes d'Escritas será divulgado a dia 23 de Fevereiro, na sessão de abertura do festival da Póvoa de Varzim.

La legendaria Exposición de 1940 que introdujo a México al surrealismo | Más de México

En 1940 surge la Exposición Internacional de Surrealismo como una puerta hacia el inconsciente colectivo del mexicano que reflejaba los valores culturales del movimiento artístico.

A Digital Glimpse Into Arturo Schomburg's Collections | NYPL

Arturo Schomburg (1874-1938) was a writer, curator, and bibliophile whose collection of books, manuscripts, and artwork became the cornerstone of the Schomburg Center's collections. His circle of friends included literary legends such as Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, and Carter G. Woodson. His collections have signed copies of their books and one once owned by activist Mary Church Terrell.


THE BENSON LATIN AMERICAN COLLECTION is home to the archive of Mexican politician, writer, and philosopher José Vasconcelos (1881–1959). In this short essay, Diego Godoy describes a man of contradictions, “the personification of both the brightness and darkness” of post-revolutionary Mexico.


Long-time Arte Público Press supporters Dr. Augustina “Tina” Reyes and Dr. Michael Olivas, both retired University of Houston professors, have donated the funding to create an endowment in support of a new book award to inspire first-time Latino authors of books for children or teens.

Check Out All the Latin American and U.S. Latinx Winners at Sundance | Cinema Tropical

The Sundance Film Festival announced the winners of its 2022 virtual edition last night, and there were several Latin American and U.S. Latinx filmmakers among this year's winners.

PRH Perú Chief and Author in Defamation Case: Publishing Industry Support | Publishing Perspectives

IPA, CPJ, and several embassies condemn the defamation verdict against author Christopher Acosta, and PRH Perú's Jerónimo Pimentel, who calls the suit ‘a strategy of intimidation.'

El Archivo General de Indias en la práctica. Herramientas de Búsqueda de la Información | BNE/LANE

Este webinar te ayudará a conocer los servicios y recursos de este archivo y cómo sacar el máximo provecho del mismo en proyectos de investigación.

In Mexico, Women Directors Take the Lead | New York Times

After decades of struggling for the recognition long granted their male peers, female filmmakers in Mexico are setting the industry ablaze.

Launching La TopoRadio | Radio Preservation Task Force

The RPTF is pleased to announce the launch of La TopoRadio— the best place on the web to explore historical research about Spanish-language radio. La TopoRadio is an interactive map that lets users discover publications about historic and contemporary stations.

