
Foreign, Comparative & International Law Research & Student Services Librarian

The Harvard Law School Library (HLSL) aims...
The Harvard Law School Library (HLSL) aims to support the varied research needs of the Law School faculty and students through traditional and leading edge services. The Law Library is a community that values appreciation, inclusivity, transparency,¿teamwork, leadership and strives toward excellence. The Foreign, Comparative & International Law & Student Services Librarian (Librarian) is a member of the Student Services team within the broader Research Services department. The Librarian provides expert research support to students engaged in foreign, comparative and international research and writing projects, particularly LLM long and short paper writers and SJD students. The Librarian serves as the subject matter expert for in-depth patron questions related to FCIL. All members of the Student Services team also participate in general reference related activities, including research consults with students, participating in our reference desk rotation, and engaging in outreach efforts to students. Librarians are expected to actively participate in library, law school, university and relevant professional organization committees.

