
Welcome, new members: Jessie Christensen, Christopher Lutz

Jessie Christensen is...

Jessie Christensen is the Receiving Section Supervisor in Monographic Acquisitions at Brigham Young University. She manages receiving for all monographs, including firm orders and approvals, as well as some copy cataloging functions. Jessie earned a BA in Spanish Translation and English and an MA in Spanish Literature from BYU, and is a second-year MLIS student at San Jose State University.


Christopher Lutz is a student of Latin American History (B.A., Antioch College; M.A. and Ph.D. in LA History and Comparative Tropical History, U. of Wisconsin-Madison) and  co-founder of CIRMA (Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica) in Antigua, Guatemala in 1978. First a small library, it has expanded over the decades to include a specialized library and rare book collection, a large fototeca of photos from national and international sources, and an Archivo Histórico of newspapers, private archives and documentary collections, not in competition with public repositories, focusing more on the contemporary period than earlier ones. CIRMA's focus is on scanning  out-of print and rare books, photographic and documentary collections to make them more accessible  to a wider national and international public.

