
In Memoriam: Alan Moss

It is with regret that we announce...

It is with regret that we announce the death of Alan Moss, a former staff member of the Main Library of the Cave Hill Campus of The University of the West Indies, who was also very active in SALALM.
Alan's first contact with the University came through the then College of Arts and Science (the precursor to the Cave Hill Campus), in September 1966, when he was recruited through the Joint Recruitment Scheme which the College had with the University of Reading. He worked with the library for about a year and a half, first as the interregnum head at the Harbour site (of the College of Arts and Science) and then as a member of staff under the then newly appointed head of the library.  Alan assisted with the relocation of the Main Library to its present location at Cave Hill.  He then worked as the librarian for the Centre for Multi-Racial Studies a joint project with the University of Sussex from 1968 to 1971.  Alan returned to the Main Library in 1971 where he remained until his retirement in 2000.
During his tenure at Cave Hill's Main Library, Alan worked primarily as the Acquisitions Librarian.  One of his responsibilities was to ensure that the Campus' collection of books and serials grew in tandem with course offerings and population growth.  His personal strength was West Indiana.  His accomplishments in this area embraced all linguistic groups in the region.  He was as well known in a small bookshop outside Santo Domingo as he was in bookshops around Bridgetown.  He also served as Officer-in-Charge of the Main Library on several occasions. During his professional career he gave unstinting and outstanding s service to ACURIL and SALALM. Locally he was very active in LAB (Library Association for Barbados), having served as an officer on more than one occasion and, many years ago, he submitted the winning entry for the Association's logo.
After retirement, Alan used his bibliographic skills and knowledge of West Indiana to form a a very successful business as an international provider of West Indian materials to libraries and individuals with an interest in the printed products of region.  During the course of his work in Barbados and also as a bookseller, he developed many lasting friendships with librarians, other booksellers and those with an interest in Caribbeana, locally, regionally and beyond. Upon hearing of his passing, SALALM colleagues spoke of his camaraderie and described him as a first-rate bibliographer with in-depth knowledge of publishing in the English-speaking Caribbean. Several members remember him providing unique materials and diligent service, especially with special requests.
His passing in late December in the U.K. comes after a period of illness and after having successfully completed a course of treatment in England. Alan died as he lived, quietly and peacefully, in his sleep. A memorial service was held at Coral Ridge, Christ Church, Barbados on January 17, 2012, after which he was cremated.  On behalf of SALALM and other members of the library community, condolences are extended to his wife, Sylvia, daughters, Katy and Helen, as well as his grandchildren.
May he rest in peace.
Elizabeth F. Watson
The University of the West Indies

