
Meet the Spring 2014 SALALM Scholarship Winners!

Kathryn Darnall is a second year...

Kathryn Darnall is a second year dual degree student at University of Texas at Austin, pursuing an MS in Information Studies at the School of Information and an MA in Latin American Studies at the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, where she specializes in archives and human rights issues.  In addition to her studies, Kathryn is a Graduate Research Assistant at the Human Rights Documentation Initiative at the Benson Latin American Collection, where she works collaboratively with partner organizations in El Salvador, Rwanda, Burma, Guatemala and the United States to preserve human rights archival materials.  She is also an active participant in the newly formed Human Rights and Archives Working Group at UT Austin, a collaborative endeavor to provide resources to faculty interested in incorporating primary source materials into their courses.
This summer, Kathryn will be travelling to Guatemala as part of Librarians Without Borders to aid in cataloging and youth programming for community and school libraries in Chajul and Quetzaltenango.  In addition, she will be spending time in Guatemala City, conducting research at the Guatemalan National Police Archive on the topic of archival access policies.
After graduation, Kathryn hopes to use her varied work experience to assist non-profit and non-governmental organizations in their management of records documenting human rights abuses, in order to preserve these documents for future use.

Emily Bulger will graduate in May 2014 from The University of Texas at Austin with a Master of Science in Information Studies and a portfolio in Museum Studies. Her graduate work brings together collections and database management with questions of access and visitor inclusion. She is especially excited about the growing attention paid to data sharing across institutions and the knowledge management and social justice potential of this trend.
Since January 2013, she has worked as a graduate research assistant at the Benson Latin American Collection, where she answers bilingual reference requests from people around the world, conducts research using the library's holdings, and consults with the curator on exhibitions.
While in graduate school, she has worked as a curatorial intern at the Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum in Austin and as a web production intern at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage in Washington, D.C. She also spent a semester teaching writing to engineers.
In addition to the SALALM Scholarship, she is the recipient of a Leadership Summit stipend from the Special Libraries Association Texas chapter, the Sam G. Whitten Endowed Presidential Scholarship from the School of Information, and the AAUW of Cascade County Scholarship. A native of Great Falls, Montana, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with high honors from The University of Montana, where she was a Presidential Leadership Scholar.
Prior to attending graduate school, Emily worked for the Spanish Ministry of Education teaching bilingual elementary school in Córdoba, Spain, an experience that cemented her love of the Spanish culture and language. The Andalucían accent is a habit she just can't kick.

