
Meet the 2016 SALALM Conference Scholarship Winners: Lara Aase

Lara Aase will complete...

Lara Aase will complete her MLIS at the University of Washington Information School in June 2016, with a focus on Ibero-American digital humanities, archives/special collections, and library materials and services for Spanish speakers. Her previous degrees include a BA in Music Performance and an MA in Comparative Literature from the University of New Mexico, and a PhD/ABD in Spanish Peninsular Golden Age Literature at the University of Toronto. In 2015 Lara was the recipient of the LIBROS Scholarship and an H.W. Wilson Scholarship. She is a member of AILA, ACRL, and ALA, and an active participant in SALALM's Digital Scholarship in Latin America (DíScoLA) group and REFORMA's Children in Crisis Task Force.

Currently, Lara also works with the San Diego Youth Symphony, where her participation involves teaching and research based on Venezuela's Sistema to effect social change through music education. In the past, she has taught university-level Spanish, English as a Foreign Language, and Comparative Literature in Costa Rica, Canada, the US, and Tunisia (with the Peace Corps). Her library work has included Romance-language cataloging, rare books bibliography, academic library acquisitions, Spanish colonial manuscript transcription, scholarly journal editing and indexing, and public library programming and storytimes for Spanish-speaking families. In the future, she plans to serve marginalized communities by finding culturally appropriate ways to make humanities materials, particularly non-English and non-machine-readable materials, discoverable, accessible, and usable, both physically and online.

