
José Toribio Medina Award Obrigada, Gracias, Thank you

Dear colleagues...
Dear colleagues, I was too shocked at our opening session to offer an acceptable thank you for honoring “Cite Globally, Analyze Locally: Citation Analysis from a Local Latin American Studies Perspective” with the José Toribio Medina Award. I share the award with a hard working student, Marina Todeschini, who collected an enormous amount of data to help me make a case for Spanish and Portuguese-language book collections at UNM. Claire-Lise Bénaud and Sever Bordeianu were patient editors and wonderful mentors. Marina and I could not have accomplished the research without generous funding from the Latin American and Iberian Institute and the Research Allocations Committee at UNM. We are also grateful to College and Research Libraries' reviewers and editor, Scott Walter, for taking a chance on a very specifically focused article. Most importantly, we thank the committee and Jesus Alonso-Regalado (and any other unidentified nominator) for finding this article worthy of such distinction. We are humbled and I (Suzanne) am grateful to be part of this community. Obrigadão.

