
Presidential Message

Hello from Davis...
Hello from Davis, California and a belated New Year's Greeting! As I write this second presidential message, I want to thank John Wright and the Local Arrangement Committee for their steady and ongoing progress toward the 2014 SALALM Annual Conference. The conference will be held at the Radisson Downtown in Salt Lake City, May 10-14, 2014. To recap, the SALALM 59 conference theme is Family, Local and Micro-Regional Histories and Their Impact on Understanding Ourselves. Focusing on family, local and micro-regional historical resources and their place in the scholarship will allow SALALM to explore how these resources add to the discussion of genealogical data, racial and ethnic identity and how that perceived identity conflicts with the perceptions of governments. The conference will also consist of panels and workshops covering practical issues of Latin American librarianship. The organization is extremely fortunate to have such dedicated people willing to put a great deal of time and effort to planning such a conference. I have made arrangements to meet John in February to see our hotel and host sites. I had planned on doing so earlier this month but time constraints and commitments elsewhere prevented me. I am pleased to note that I've received a number of interesting and diverse panel proposals. I remind you that the deadline for receipt of proposals is January 30. I ask that you use this link when submitting your proposal.
I am pleased to congratulate the Fall 2013 SALAM Scholarship Winners: Theresa E. Polk and Nelson Santana. I had the pleasure of meeting Theresa during our conference in Philadelphia and was impressed with her willingness to drive up from Maryland to attend our presentations. I look forward to meeting Nelson Santana in Utah. I thank the SALAM Scholarship Committee for their work and do not envy the difficulty in choosing the winners. Please take the time to review the Scholarship Winners profiles.
Please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions you might have about this year's conference or anything else SALALM related.
On a final note, I hope to see some of you at the Mid-Winter Meeting of the American Library Association and remind you to renew your SALALM membership. Our organization depends on these renewals to carry out our work.

