
3rd Presidential Message

Hello from Davis...

Hello from Davis, California! As I write this third presidential message, I once again want to thank John Wright and the Local Arrangement Committee for their continued progress toward the 2014 SALALM Annual Conference. To recap, the conference will be held at the Radisson Downtown in Salt Lake City, May 10-14, 2014. The SALALM 59 conference theme is Family, Local and Micro-Regional Histories and Their Impact on Understanding Ourselves. Focusing on family, local and micro-regional historical resources and their place in the scholarship will allow SALALM to explore how these resources add to the discussion of genealogical data, racial and ethnic identity and how that perceived identity conflicts with the perceptions of governments. The conference will also consist of panels and roundtables covering practical issues and developments within Latin American librarianship.
I had the opportunity to meet John in February to see our hotel and host sites. I apologize for not informing you until now but time constraints and commitments elsewhere prevented me. The aforementioned hotel and host sites are wonderful with beautiful views of the mountains that clearly evince the natural beauty and diversity of the Utah Valley Area. As with past conferences, SALALM 59 promises to be another great conference, and we are in very good hands.
I am pleased to note that while I received a number of interesting and diverse panel proposals; I find that I still seek a few more as some proposals did not come to fruition. I urge you to please submit your proposal by the first week of April. I ask that you use this online link when submitting your proposal:

In addition, SALALM 59 is continuing the practice of No-Host Topical Meals: A SALALM initiative for collegial community-building. This great idea, suggested by Peter Johnson, will allow us to share knowledge with new and continuing members and facilitate networking. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures of setting in motion a No-Host Topical Meal. The no-host meal consists of a speaker along with five individuals (who have signed up in advance). The leader selects the restaurant and makes the reservation; those participating meet at the indicated time and place to go together to the restaurant. Each participant is responsible for his/her meal costs, including taxes and tip. Often restaurants automatically add the tip for groups of six or more; the menu will indicate that, as will the final bill. Because many restaurants will not issue individual bills for groups, participants should come prepared with cash.
By limiting the discussion to six people, a more focused and rewarding time is feasible. Discussion leaders will provide suggested topics to me by 1 April. The SALALM 59 conference program has a two-hour block (11:30-1:30) for no-host lunches on Tues-Wed (May 13th-14th). Participation by Libreros, bibliographers, publishers, catalogers, reference specialists, and scholars in the past made these meals an important additional learning experience, and opportunity to meet new people. Past topics included publishing under dictatorships, acquisition of non-traditional publications, buying trips, cataloging rule changes, teaching research skills, new trends in archives, and disaster planning. If you would like to participate as a leader, please send a title and three-line description of the topic to President Roberto C. Delgadillo

