
Presidential Message

Dear Colleagues...

Dear Colleagues,

The SALALM conference is a few weeks away.  The tentative program of the conference has been posted and we are making the final adjustments to the schedule. As you know, Gayle Williams helped me schedule the committee meetings and has adjusted them to accommodate your requests.  I agree with Gayle when she says that scheduling the committee meetings is a “balancing act.” I would like to add that Gayle has been a magician in maneuvering that “balancing act,” and if there aren't any major conflicts with the committee meetings schedule, all the credit has to be given to her.

The Panels and the Presenters  
We have a wide range of topics to be presented by an interesting group of panelists. In addition to our dear SALALMistas/eros colleagues, who are included in the panels, round tables and workshops, we will have a good number of presenters who are non-SALALM members.  Some of them are from institutions that are not directly associated with Latin American Studies.  I believe that engaging with colleagues from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds will open up ways of connecting, sharing and understanding different ways of thinking and doing research.  Not only will they represent the United States but will also Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and several Latin American countries.

The Workshops and Topical Meals
For those of you who want to participate, I would like to remind you to sign up to attend the free workshops and/or topical meals.  I believe that he Topical Meals initiative is going to be a great success.

The Film Festival
Teresa Chapa, who is the Curator of the Film Festival, has done an amazing job in organizing a very interesting film program, which will include films and documentaries from different countries addressing very important issues.  The Film Festival is free and open to all the conference participants. There will be a detailed schedule of the on-going films.

The Guatemalan (Maya Quiche) Cultural Group
We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy the presentation of a Maya-Quiche Cultural Group.  The members of this group are dedicated to keeping alive their traditional culture, a legacy of their Maya-Quiche ancestors.  The Cultural Group is a non-profit organization supported by the central government and private organizations.  Coincidentally, the group is having a series of presentations in different parts of the United States and we were able to arrange a presentation at the SALALM Conference.

Warm regards,


Maya-Quiche Cultural Group

