
Sign up for the May 16 Webinar: Collecting for Latin America & Spain

The Latino population...

Adán Griego, Curator for Iberoamerican and Mexican American Collections at Stanford University

The Latino population in our country is growing and, with it, the demand for culturally relevant information.  Library users in academic and public libraries want more materials about Latin American and Latino issues – especially from the perspective of those cultures.  At the same time, libraries are facing difficult economic challenges, resulting in staff shortages and the necessity for some librarians to assume new roles and collect in subject areas and languages that are unfamiliar to them.

This 90-minute webinar will address these concerns by providing tangible selection tools for collecting materials in Latin American and Latino Studies and Spanish Literature.  Other discussion topics will include publishing trends and strategies for effectively using these resources regardless of Spanish-speaking ability.  Tailored to the non-specialist and new professional, this webinar is a must-see for anyone who wants to build her knowledge and confidence about collecting materials in these disciplines.

The session will be hosted by Adán Griego, Curator for Iberoamerican and Mexican American Collections at Stanford.  Having held this position since 1996, Adán is always looking for those unique or rare items (photos, manuscripts, posters, books) that will enhance collections.  A former president of SALALM, Adán is also a REFORMA life-time member and is active in ALA. This webinar is co-sponsored by SALALM and the ALA International Relations Office.

