
At-Risk Government Websites in Brazil

LANE (Latin America Northeast Libraries Consortium) is leading an initiative...

LANE (Latin America Northeast Libraries Consortium) is leading an initiative to collect and preserve what we consider to be  at-risk government websites in Brazil.  The goal of this web archiving project is to identify and preserve websites of government agencies focused on three areas: human rights, LGBTQ issues, and the environment. We consider these sites to be vulnerable in the current political climate where the president-elect, Mr. Jair Bolsonaro, has frequently called for the violation of human rights and the end of  environmental protections.  We expect institutional changes to the political structure in Brazil, such as the merging of the“Ministério dos Direitos Humanos” with the “Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social”, and the merging of the “Ministério do Meio Ambiente” with the “Ministério de Agricultura”.  In fact, this recent Guardian article indicates that this effort is already well underway.  Shudder.

To do so, we need your help.  LANE has begun identifying websites for archiving, and has collected over 100 sites so far.  We ask members of SALALM to pitch in, and make a profession-wide commitment to preserving as many at-risk government websites before the beginning of Bolsonaro's presidency on January 1, 2019.  We would like to compile as many government sites as possible, for all Brazilian states, at the state, local, and federal level.  Our deadline for capture is December 20, 2018.

To participate, we ask that you:

  •  sign up for a state in Brazil here, and then follow the methods outlined in this document in order to identify websites for collection.
  • More than one person is welcome to contribute to a state.  However, you will see that there are states that have not been covered yet, such as Acre, Alagoas, Amapá.  So please consider pitching in where  the need is greatest, first.
  • In the spreadsheet where you sign up, you will see tabs for each of the states at the bottom of the page.  Go to your state, and enter information about each website in that tab.
  • Again, we are facing a deadline of December 20 to submit as complete a list as possible to the web archivist at Columbia University, Samantha Abrams, who manages the web archiving program on behalf of the Ivy Plus Libraries Web Resources Collection Program.
  • There are instructions for metadata capture in each page, but for more help with this, consult the tab for Minas Gerais.  Jade Madrid has done a fabulous job of entering both URLs and descriptive information.  We will be doing quality control on the entries, so the important thing is to enter the URL and a few other pieces of descriptive information.

To learn more, please read the full proposal to the Ivy Plus Libraries Web Resources Collection Program:

If you would like to participate and have questions, please feel free to email me or any other member of the nominating committee (below).  Thank you so much for your attention to this timely effort, and we hope that as the saying goes, many hands make light work!

On behalf of the Nominating Committee,

Talía Guzmán-González / Library of Congress /

Joseph Holub / University of Pennsylvania /

Paloma Celis Carbajal / New York Public Library /

Jana Krentz / Yale University /

Patricia Figueroa / Brown University /

Lynn Shirey / Harvard University /

Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez / Princeton University /

Jade Madrid / Georgetown University /

Socrates Silva / Columbia / Cornell University /

Pamela Graham / Columbia / pmg16@COLUMBIA.EDU


Jill Baron

Chair, LANE

