
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at Indiana University announces upcoming lectures by Stuart B. Schwartz

The Brazilian Studies Program and the Center for Latin American...
The Brazilian Studies Program and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at Indiana University are pleased to announce two upcoming lectures by Stuart B. Schwartz (George Burton Adams Professor of  History at Yale University) on the Bloomington campus
Padre Antonio Vieira: Prophet of a Sugar Empire.” Thursday, September 26, 6:00-7:30 pm Chemistry 001
A Jesuit missionary, writer, and diplomat, Vieira is considered a central figure in the religious and political history of the 17th-century Luso-Brazilian world.  In this presentation, Schwartz examines Padre Vieira's relations with the Portuguese Crown and the New Christians, showing the extent of the involvement of the influential figure in the Brazilian sugar industry.
The Rains of Lares: Sovereignty, Disaster and Revolution in the 19th-Century Caribbean.” Friday, September 27, 2:00-3:15 pm Student Building 150
Schwartz examines the political impact of the 1867 hurricane that ravaged Puerto Rico which, he argues, was a contributing factor to the insurrection known as the Grito de Lares in 1868.

