ICYMI: November 2021
- By: Taylor Leigh
- On: 12/01/2021 11:07:00
- In: In Case You Missed It
Muere Almudena Grandes, la escritora que noveló la épica de los perdedores | El País
La autora de los ‘Episodios de una guerra interminable', que falleció esta tarde en Madrid a los 61 años de un cáncer, deja una obra que aunó la calidad y el éxito.
Diez escritores peruanos imprescindibles | El País
Violencia e intimidad, historia y memoria. Costa, cordillera y selva. Las letras peruanas viven un momento de integración de nuevas voces en todos los géneros.
Felicidade, de João Tordo, vence Prémio Literário Fernando Namora/Estoril Sol | Publico
A obra agora distinguida “é um romance de formação emocional e afectiva de um homem constituído em narrador, embora sem nome que o identifique ao longo do livro”, disse o júri, presidido por Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins.
Jaider Esbell, Indigenous Artist on the Rise, Found Dead in São Paulo | ARTnews
Jaider Esbell, a Macushi artist whose work was included in the current edition of the Bienal de São Paulo, has died at 41. O Globo reported that the artist was found dead in his apartment in São Paulo on November 2. The cause of death is yet unknown.
Wonderful Women Wednesday: Magdalena Mieri | Smithsonian
Magdalena Mieri is a cultural anthropologist who has been the director of the Program in Latino History at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History since 2005. Prior to that, she served as the programs manager at the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives, now known as the Smithsonian Latino Center, between 1998 and 2004 and as a museum program specialist with the Smithsonian's Center for Museum Studies from 1995 to 1998.
Professor da USP Eduardo Navarro traduziu seis cartas trocadas entre potiguares que estavam em lados opostos na guerra travada entre portugueses e holandeses pelo domínio do Nordeste.
Duval explores important themes in her writing, including gender, sexuality and sex. These themes are most explicitly explored in her non-fiction title, Después de lo trans. As a trans woman herself, this is an essay that partly explores the frustration that Duval feels in always being considered an activist before being a writer or philosopher. However, beyond these more personal explorations, Después de lo trans is a visceral and ambitious essay that confronts the cultural and identity wars we are experiencing this century.
After a year's hiatus resulting from the pandemic, the Friends of Princeton University Library (Friends) are delighted to announce the return of the Special Collections research grants program. With grants of up to $4,000, plus travel expenses, this program offers researchers from around the world access to Princeton University Library's (PUL) unique and rare collections.
Pequenas e médias editoras foram as mais penalizadas em 2020 | JN
Projetos de cariz independente perderam 12% da quota de mercado apenas num ano. Concentração do setor agrava risco de empobrecimento da oferta, dizem os editores.
Chicanx and Latinx Endowed Library Collections Fund launched | CU Libraries
The Chicanx and Latinx Endowed Library Collections Fund supports the growth, management, preservation and digitization of unique primary source resources for the university's Rare and Distinctive Collections that highlight these communities and their histories, including people of Mexican descent in the United States or who have cultural ties to Latin America. These collections include archival collections, rare books, government information and maps.
La uruguaya Cristina Peri Rossi, ganadora del Premio Cervantes 2021 | El País
La escritora, residente en Barcelona, es la sexta mujer que recibe el máximo galardón de las letras hispanas.
ALA Welcomes Removal of Offensive ‘Illegal aliens' Subject Headings | ALA
The revisions will appear on Special List 21-11B, to be issued imminently. Headings on existing bibliographic records in the Library of Congress's catalog will be updated as expeditiously as possible after heading changes are approved.
Del "no pasarán" al 600: los símbolos que construyeron España | Público
Hasta 107 voces reconstruyen los símbolos políticos y sociales enmarcados en el pasado siglo, la mayoría de ellos con plena vigencia. Este novedoso diccionario repasa los cimientos del imaginario colectivo español valiéndose de una investigación previa de primer orden.
La Biblioteca Nacional atesora un conjunto de ejemplares que se distinguen por ofrecer el único testimonio conservado hasta el momento de ediciones de autores clásicos latinos impresas en talleres hispanos en los siglos XV y XVI. Se trata de un reducido número de impresos singulares que conforma un acervo editorial escasamente conocido pero de gran valor histórico, cultural y textual, que además ofrece indicios de primera mano de las formas de recuperación de la literatura clásica en el Humanismo y el Renacimiento español.
Una nueva antología se suma a la recuperación de escritoras mexicanas que cayeron en el olvido. ¿Usted ha oído hablar de Las Elegantes?, ¿leyó alguno de sus relatos en la preparatoria?, ¿es el único entre sus amigas y amigos que las conoce? Seguramente, ya sabe todo acerca de ellas.
Luz Jiménez, la mujer nahua que vemos en monumentos y murales | El Universal
La figura de Luz Jiménez quedó plasmada en murales de Diego Rivera y José Clemente Orozco, en una escultura del Parque México, en el Monumento a Obregón de San Ángel y hasta en el Monumento a la Revolución. Además de modelar para diversas obras, Luz fue destacada educadora, artista y promotora de la lengua y cultura náhuatl de Milpa Alta, su pueblo natal, donde fue estigmatizada por posar desnuda. Hoy te contamos su historia.
La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla da por concluida la digitalización de los cerca de 1.200 manuscritos que custodia en la sede de la Biblioteca Rector Antonio Machado y Núñez junto con el resto de la colección histórica. El fondo de manuscritos de la BUS abarca desde el siglo XIII a la primera mitad del XX y procede tanto de las bibliotecas jesuíticas y conventuales como de donaciones y legados particulares.
Doctoral student to participate in humanities grant project | University of Oregon
Tweede, who studies Spanish literature, will be working alongside co-principal investigators Nicholas Jones, assistant professor of Spanish at the University of California, Davis, and Elizabeth Wright, professor of Spanish literature at University of Georgia. The project, which received a $96,347 grant from the NEH, traces the influence of the African Diaspora on theater in the Iberian Peninsula between the years 1400 and 1800.
Given annually, the award recognizes a publisher outside the United States who has demonstrated courage and fortitude in defending freedom of expression.
Martín Espada Garners National Book Award for Poetry for “Floaters” | UMass Amherst
The collection ranges from historical epic to achingly personal lyrics about growing up, the baseball that drops from the sky and smacks Espada in the eye as he contemplates a girl's gently racist question. The poems have been described by reviewers as “both sardonic and breathtaking” and “a work of grace-laden defiance.” The Chicago Review of Books named Floaters one of the “12 Must-Read Books of January.”
Ricardo Borda D'agua de Almeida Braga é o novo diretor do Arquivo Nacional (AN), órgão subordinado ao Ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública. A informação foi publicada na edição desta sexta-feira (19) no Diário Oficial da União. Borda D'agua, que é advogado, substitui a bibliotecária Neide de Sordi, que deixou o cargo no início deste mês após mais de dois anos à frente da instituição.
The LOC subject change may remove the word “alien,” but it retains the use of “illegal.” The term is not only dehumanizing, it's inaccurate and it's racially charged. By retaining the word “illegal,” the cataloging hierarchy continues damage and showcases its inability to be as progressive and inclusive — and indeed, socially just — as it should be. Instead, it acts to push back against conservative politicians only without a greater understanding of why a bigger change is necessary. This isn't about winning a political game.
Twenty Puerto Rican Writers Receive the Inaugural Letras Boricuas Fellowship | Mellon Foundation
The fellowship provides crucial support both across the diaspora, and to the community of writers in Puerto Rico who have endured and continue their practice through repeated natural disasters and ongoing political turmoil, despite historically limited opportunities to share their work with a broader audience. By providing unrestricted funds and fostering connection among its recipients, the fellowship will support Puerto Rico's celebrated literary lineage — a discipline traditionally under-resourced and underfunded both in Puerto Rico and in the United States — illustrate the diversity of these writers' experiences and showcase incredible Puerto Rican literary voices.
La creación por el Ministerio de Cultura de un gran repositorio para albergar documentación de asociaciones antifranquistas causa recelos entre los archiveros por su falta de medios y espacio.
El Caribe Digital Archive | Center for Research Libraries
El Caribe (“The Caribbean”) is a Spanish-language daily newspaper published in Santo Domingo and is one of the Dominican Republic's most influential and longest-running newspapers. Founded in 1948 under the repressive Trujillo regime (1930-1961), the newspaper has borne witness to decades of political uncertainty, economic development, and social change. Except for brief interruptions in publication for a month in 1962 and seven months in 1965, El Caribe has been a constant chronicle of national and international news, both for the Dominican Republic and the broader Caribbean region.
Museu da História e da Cultura Afro-Brasileira é inaugurado no Região Portuária do Rio | Globo
O espaço reúne cerca de 2,5 mil itens, entre pinturas, esculturas e fotografias e trabalhos de artistas plásticos contempor&neos, com papel de resgatar, na preservação e revitalizar a memória afro-brasileira. O prefeito Eduardo Paes esteve na inauguração.
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- Betsaida Reyes
- Taylor Leigh
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- Paula Covington & Orchid Mazurkiewicz
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- Pamela Graham & Orchid Mazurkiewicz
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