ALZAR - Academic Latina/o Zone of Activism & Research

Committee Roster
ALZAR Minutes

ALZAR (Academic Latina/o Zone of Activism & Research)
General Sites | Major Print Reference Sources | Major Bibliographies Online | Major Databases | Course Syllabi: A Selection of Recent Classes | Major Journals & Magazines Currently Active | Archival Collections, Libraries & Museums | Oral Histories | National Advocacy Groups | Professional Associations | Research Centers | Writers' Websites | Miscellaneous Projects of Interest

ALZAR is the newest group within SALALM. Its goal is to provide a link (virtual and real) to resources addressing Latina/o issues in the academic setting.

Addressing Latina/o issues at SALALM is not new (see Past Conferences). At the 26th meeting (New Orleans, 1981) “immigration” was one of the topics of discussion. A few years later, at the 30th annual conference (Princeton, 1985) a panel on “Specialized Library Collections and the Study of Latin American Masses and Minorities” included presentations on Latino collections in the United States. “Latino Music” was addressed at the 2003 meeting in Cartagena and “Borders” has been part of the theme in several conferences: Berkeley in 1988; Santo Domingo in 2006 and Albuquerque in 2007. During all these years many SALALM librarians have been entrusted with developing library collections and services to address Latina/o Studies as a growing academic discipline with intersecting interests in Latin American Studies, something addressed in a presentation at the 2004 (Cornell) conference: “Latin American and Latino Studies: Directions in Research and Challenges to Researchers and Librarians.”

ALZAR as an interest group originated through informal conversations from these same SALALM librarians and new members seeking a space within our organization to address Latina/o Studies as an academic field of research. The inaugural meeting was held at the 2007 annual conference with more than 50 members in attendance. The meeting not only formalized the group but also showed SALALM’s continued interest in Latina/o Studies with ALZAR’s first sponsored panel that included 4 presenters.
As a new interest group, ALZAR recognizes the interdisciplinary approach to research in Latina/o Studies and looks for ways to address the information needs of these users at the undergraduate and research levels. ALZAR members also seek opportunities for cooperating with like-organizations and work toward shared projects that explore the intersection of Latina/o and Latin American Studies as academic disciplines.
The creation of this web page is a first attempt to meet these converging interests.
Contact Adan Griego with comments or suggestions.

General Sites

Andanzas al Web Latino (New Mexico State University)
CLNET (Chicano Latino Net)
Hispanic Americans in Congress
Hispanic Population of the United States (U.S. Census Bureau)
Hispanic/Latino Links (UT-Austin’s LANIC)
Making Face, Making Soul…A Chicana Feminist Website
Portal de Cultura Chicana (Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes)
Recommended US Latino Websites Diversity & Ethnic Studies (Michigan State University)
The Borderlands Encyclopedia (University of Texas-El Paso)

Major Print Reference Sources

Full-text may be available online from commercial vendors.
Atlas of American Diversity (1998)
Atlas of Latino Politics (2006)
Atlas of Hispanic American History (2001)
Bibliography of Mexican American History (1984)
Biographical Dictionary of Hispanic Literature in the United States (1989)
Chicana Studies Index: Twenty Years of Gender Research, 1971-1991 (1992)
Chicano Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vols. 82/122/209 (1989/1992/1999)
Chicano Literature: A ReferenceGuide (1985)
Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art: Artists, Works, Culture, and Education (2002)
Contemporary Hispanic Biography (2002-2204)
Chronology of Hispanic-American History (1995)
Cubans in the United States: A Bibliography for Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1960-1983 (1984)
Dictionary of Chicano Folklore (2000)
Dictionary of Hispanic Biography (1996)
Dictionary of Mexican American History (1981)
Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, and Society in the United States (2005)
Encyclopedia of Latino Popular Culture (2004)
Encyclopedia of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement (2000)
Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics (2000)
Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States (1993)
Hispanic Americans: A Statistical Sourcebook (annual)
Hispanic-American Almanac (1994)
Hispanic Datababook (2004)
Hispanic Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors (1991)
Hispanics in Hollywood: an Encyclopedia on Film and Television (2000)
Latinas in the United States: a HistoricalEncyclopedia (2006)
Latino Encyclopedia (1996)
Latinos in the United States: A Historical Bibliography (1986)
Literatura Chicana: Creative & Critical Writings (1985) Supplement (1996)
Masterpieces on Latino Literature (1991)
Notable Hispanic American Women (1993/1998)
Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States (2005)
St. James Guide to Hispanic Artists: Profiles of Latino and Latin American Artists (2002)
We the People: An Atlas of America's Ethnic Diversity (1988)

Major Bibliographies Online

Bibliography of Works on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Chicanos/as and Latinos/as
Chicanos/Latinos in the Movies (UC Berkeley’s Media Resources Center)
Dominicanos en el Mundo
Hispanic Americans and Health (University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio)
The Interpretation and Representation of Latino Culture (Smithsonian)
Latino/a Art Community Bibliography
The Literature of the Puerto Rican Migration in the United States
M.A. Reading List: Hispanic Southwest Studies (University of New Mexico)
Mexican American History Bibliography
Ph. D. Reading List: Chicana/o Literature (University of New Mexico)
The Religion & Immigration Project Bibliography
Selected Bibliography Puerto Rican Art in the United States
U.S Border-Mexico Issues

Major Databases

AltPress Index
Chicano Database
Ethnic Newswatch
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Latino Literature
Multicultural Education Abstracts

Course Syllabi

Chicana and Latina History(University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2006)
Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art (UC Santa Barbara, Fall 2006)
Immigrants and the Transformation of American Life (UC San Diego, Winter 2004)
Introduction to Raza Studies (San Francisco State, Fall 2004)
Latina/o Literature (University of Northern Colorado, Fall 2002)
Latino /a Identity in the United States (St.Louis University, Fall 2002)
Latino/as in US Labor and Working Class History (Rutgers, n.d.)
Latino Politics (Rutgers Spring 2007)
Sociology of Latino Studies (American University, Spring 2007)
The Negotiation of Latino/a Identity and the Formation of Latino Communities in the United States (Brandeis, Spring 2005)
US-Mexico Relations: Prelude & Future of Globalization (UCLA, Fall 2002)
Various Courses (UC Santa Cruz, Winter 2003)
Various Courses (University of New Mexico, Fall 2004)
Various Courses (University of New Mexico, Fall 2005)

Major Journals and Magazines Currently Active

Full-text may be available from various commercial vendors.
Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe
El Boricua
Centro Journal
Frontera Norte
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy
Journal of Borderlands Studies
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology
Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies
Journal of Latinos and Higher Education
La Raza Law Journal
Latino Studies
Urban Latino
See also a more comprehensive list of publications: Journals Indexed by the Chicano Database and Periodicals at UCLA’s Chicano Studies Research Center with an emphasis on the Chicana/o experience. Titles indexed by HAPI complement both of the above.

Archival Collections, Libraries & Museums

Archive of Mexican American Music (UCLA)
Archives of the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños (Hunter College-CUNY)
Archivos Virtuales: Papers of Latino and Latin American Artists (Smithsonian)
Bancroft Library (UC Berkeley)
CEMA: California Ethnic Multicultural Archives (UC Santa Barbara)
Center for Southwest Research (University of New Mexico)
Chicano Research Collection (Arizona State University)
Chicano Studies Collection (UC Berkeley)
Chicano Studies Research Library (UCLA)
Cuban Heritage Collection (University of Miami)
Dominican Studies Institute Archives (City College of New York)
Latino Network, American Alliance of Museums
Latino Cultural Digital Archives (California State University-Northridge)
Library of Congress:

Mexican American Collections at Stanford
Mexican American/Latino Manuscripts at UT Austin
Online Archive of California (search keywords: latin*, chican*, hispan* access many collections)
Rocky Mountain Online Archive (Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming)

Oral Histories

Al Norte de San Diego
Latino Arts and Culture Oral History Project
Mexican American History from the Center for Oral and Public History (CSU-Fullerton)
Oral History Project (UT El Paso)
U.S. Latino & Latina WWII Oral History Project

National Advocacy Groups

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Dominican American Round Table
Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
HOPE: Hispanas Organized for Political Equality
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Latino Commission on AIDS
Latino Education Network Service
Latinos and Media Project
LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)
MALCS:   Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social
MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense Fund)
MANA: A National Latina Organization
National Association of Latino Arts and Culture
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
National Center for Farmworker Health
National Council of La Raza
National Hispana Leadership Institute
National Hispanic Media Coalition
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Educational Fund
United Farm Workers of America
William C. Velazquez Institute

Professional Associations

Hispanic National Bar Association
Nation Association for Bilingual Education
National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
National Association of Latino Arts and Culture
National Hispanic Medical Association
Reforma: The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking

Research Centers

Barahona Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents (CSU-San Marcos)
California Policy Research Center (University of California)
Chicano Studies Institute (UC Santa Barbara)
Center for Comparative in Race and Ethnicity (Stanford)
Center for Latino Policy Research (UC Berkeley)
Center for Latino Research (DePaul University)
Center for Mexican-American Studies (UT Austin)
Center for Multilingual Multicultural Research (USC)
Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Center for the Study of Latino Health & Culture (UCLA)
Cesar Chavez Institute for Public Policy (San Francisco State University)
Chicano Studies Research Center (UCLA)
Dominican Studies Institute (City College of New York)
Institute for Latino Studies (Notre Dame)
Institute of Oral History (UT El Paso)
Inter-University Program for Latino Research
Julian Samora Research Institute (Michigan State University)
Mexican American Studies & Research Center (University of Arizona)
National Institute for Latino Policy
Pew Hispanic Center
Southwest Hispanic Research Institute (University of New Mexico)
Tomas Rivera Policy Institute

Writers' Websites

The personal websites of several major Latina/o writers.
Daniel Alarcon
Isabel Allende
Julia Alvarez
Jimmy Santiago Baca
Ana Castillo
Rafael Campo 
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Sandra Cisneros
Rigoberto Gonzalez
Achy Ovejas 
Luis Rodriguez
Esmeralda Santiago
Gary Soto
Sergio Troncoso
Luis Alberto Urrea
Alma Villanueva
Emanuel Xavier

Miscellaneous Projects of Interest

Contemporary Mexican & Puerto Rican Migration(Yale-New Heaven Teachers Institute)
Hispanic American Health (NLM/NIH)
HIV-AIDS in the Latino Community: Awareness & Prevention
Latina/o Art Community
Latino Book and Family Festival
METRO-MoMA Survey of Archives of Latino and Latin American Art
Puerto Rico and the American Dream
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project
Compiled by Adan Griego with suggestions from SALALM members: Sara Aponte, Roberto Delgadillo, Georgette Dorn, Pamela Graham, Ruby Gutierrez, Sean Knowlton, Barbara Miller, Cecilia Puerto and Jesus Alonso Regalado.  2007.