Interlibrary Cooperation

Interlibrary Cooperation Committee 2014 Report
Interlibrary Cooperation Committee 2012 Report
Interlibrary Cooperation Committee 2013 Report


To study, propose, implement, monitor, and coordinate cooperative activities involving Latin American and Caribbean library collections. To ensure that all Latin Americana and Caribbeana of scholarly interest is collected somewhere. To propose means of ensuring full bibliographic and physical access to such materials by all scholars, regardless of their institutional affiliation. To publicize such cooperative efforts both within and outside of SALALM.


  1. Identify additional areas of potential cooperation, on both national and international levels, and study or recommend appropriate activity.
  2. Communicate information on cooperative activities within SALALM to SALALM members, to institutions represented in SALALM, and to other institutions, as appropriate.
  3. Monitor the adequacy of cooperative collection development arrangements in gathering all material of scholarly interest, and identify areas requiring greater attention.
  4. Maintain a current roster of cooperative efforts of local and regional scope which involve Latin Americana and Caribbeana.
  5. Develop recommendations for the implementation of systems allowing a full and free resource sharing among all Latin American and Caribbean collections.
For more information on this committee, contact the committee chair, Taylor Leigh (2023-2026):